
Results 57 comments of FarisZR

Updated, should i include the ARM build for the Private builds too?

> > > Bump. Just got a warning from Hetzner... > > > > > > This is happening when you are running with server profile? Is it a similar...

I meant a way to change the standard script name from, plausible.js, to something different. For example, https://server.domain.com/js/plausible.js > https://server.domain.com/js/pls1.js. Its the same script, just a different name. Its used...

I know, what i am asking is for this module, to use the new and proxied script name. Not the standrad name. Instead of calling https://plausible.server.com/js/pausible.js, it would call the...

I have already setup a rewrite, i already have a custom script name. This module by default, uses the default script name by Plausible (/js/plausible.js). I want to make the...

Would the module use /js/s/pls4.js instead of directly conneting to plausible?

That comment was an email that was probably stuck on sending a long time ago. Sorry to re-open the issue!

Since the Devs aren't active on this, can you share the code? so anyone can create a custom module to use until mastodon is official supported?

what is stopping this PR ? im setting up Simple login on a new server and i am going to test it out

this looks like it still needs manual db initialization i think you can create a simple python script to check if the db is empty, and if its initiate it