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ANBU (Automatic New Binary Unpacker) a tool for me to learn about PIN and about algorithms for generic unpacking.
Automatic New Binary Unpacker with PIN DBI Framework This project is considered more an academic project than something professional or company software, I have it as a way for me to learn about how to use PIN and how to implement interesting things with it, so pull request are welcome.
First of All: Compiling ANBU
To compile ANBU you need to download PIN, and you can download it from here: Intel PIN. Once you have PIN on your system, you have to copy ANBU folder on <pin_path>/source/tools/ path, also you can create another folder instead of "tools" I created one called "unpackers". Once you have the path <pin_path>/source/tools or unpackers/ANBU, you can open ANBU.sln file with Visual Studio, in my case I use Visual Studio 2017. To compile I do nothing special more than compile the project I compile on "Release" for "x86" (I haven't tested or programmed ANBU for x64 for the moment). And that's all, you'll have ANBU.dll on your release folder.
Testing ANBU
ANBU doesn't have any special flag to use for the moment so you can run ANBU as any PIN tool:
pin -t ANBU.dll -- program_to_unpack.exe
Also there's a flag to modify output file name with log.
Unpacked code
ANBU dumps two different things, one of the things ANBU dumps are memory chunks that appears from unpacking process, this is not a PE file it's only a binary file with written and executed code (can be a complete section or only a chunk from unpacking process), after the unpacking process ANBU will try to dump the unpacked PE file with a new section of imports (called ".F9" I don't have much imagination). For the process a file log is created and updated during the execution.
Packers tested
I'm not professional on this, but I give some examples to the people who wanna try ANBU those are:
- AHPack
- Mpress
- Aspack
- pokecrypt
- Basic RunPE
- Test
Test folder is where I save some code tests for testing ANBU, so for example you can find here the test for timing hooks.
- A friend has discovered an issue I had when I was compiling PIN with all this stuff of WINDOWS. I had a problem compiling, so I modified Windows.h from PIN (<pin_path>/extras/crt/include/Windows.h). What I did was to comment the next line:
And I wrote the next thing:
//#include WINDOWS_H_PATH
#include <my_path_to_windows_sdk_on_my_computer/sdk_version/um/Windows.h>
Version 0.7
- some packers unpacked and tests done for reliability and stability of the tool.
- Adapted Lief code for PE parsing and PE reconstruction.
- Included ProcInfo from Arancino, improved speed in instrumentation avoiding instructions from known libraries.
- Added new support of some unpackers.
- Next version should include some new heuristic to detect Microsoft Visual Studio OEP trace.
- Include a way to unpack crypters by saving decrypted code.
Special thanks to
- MZ IAT: For helping me with testing, and also discover an issue.
- Hasherezade: For her blogpost about Visual Studio PIN projects compiling.
- Joxean Koret: For his blogpost about unpacking with PIN.
- Jurrian Bremer: For his RunPE unpacking module.
- Arancino Project: For their heuristics ideas and dynamic protection framework.
- Dennis Andriesse: For his book Practical Binary Analysis which helped me to start this project.
- LIEF Project and Romain Thomas: For his project and the permission to use LIEF code for parser and builder.