go-opera copied to clipboard
Failed to put key-value, corruption on data-block: checksum mismatch
Describe the bug Failed to put key-value, corruption on data-block: checksum mismatch.
To Reproduce
- Install and configure Golang 1.21
cd ~ && wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf go1.21.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv ~/go /usr/local/
echo "export GOPATH=\$HOME/go" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
rm -rf go1.21.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Download the source code and compile to binary:
# Download Source and checkout the latest release
git clone https://github.com/Fantom-foundation/go-opera.git
cd ~/go-opera && git checkout release/1.1.3-rc.5
# Compile
cd ~/go-opera && make
# Move to the bin dir
cp ~/go-opera/build/opera ~/fantom/bin/
- Download the genesis file from the link: https://files.fantom.network/mainnet-171200-pruned-mpt.g
apt install aria2
mkdir -p /data/fantom/genesis && cd /data/fantom/genesis && \
aria2c -s8 -x8 -k1000M https://files.fantom.network/mainnet-171200-pruned-mpt.g
- Run opera
/root/fantom/bin/opera \
--datadir="/data/fantom" \
--genesis="/data/fantom/genesis/mainnet-171200-pruned-mpt.g" \
--syncmode="full" \
--http \
--http.addr="" \
--http.port=18545 \
--http.api="web3,eth,net,txpool" \
--ws \
--ws.addr="" \
--ws.port=18546 \
--ws.api="web3,eth,net,txpool" \
--port=5050 \
--db.preset="ldb-1" \
--cache 96494
Expected behavior An Critical Error occurs:
INFO [06-06|16:49:34.024] - Reading blocks unit 1 progress=36.59% elapsed=47m9.057s eta=1h47m35.822s
INFO [06-06|16:50:34.591] - Reading blocks unit 1 progress=37.34% elapsed=48m9.624s eta=1h46m9.158s
INFO [06-06|16:51:36.296] - Reading blocks unit 1 progress=38.01% elapsed=49m11.328s eta=1h45m4.527s
INFO [06-06|16:52:37.342] - Reading blocks unit 1 progress=38.79% elapsed=50m12.374s eta=1h43m28.676s
INFO [06-06|16:53:37.658] - Reading blocks unit 1 progress=39.36% elapsed=51m12.690s eta=1h42m48.565s
CRIT [06-06|16:53:58.760] Failed to put key-value module=rlp err="leveldb/table: corruption on data-block (pos=1638013): checksum mismatch, want=0x59450c32 got=0xcd1d8171 [file=175142.ldb]"
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: ubuntu 22.04
- Version 1.1.3-rc.5