
Results 41 issues of Famlam

I was curious to see if Osmose could parse the monstrous validator rules of ~https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/22822#comment:12~ https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Rules/Runways It turns out, it can't 😢. Reason: `functionExpression` expects a `valueExpression` inside, but here...


Currently most plugin tests use direct `assert` calls. Given the number of cases of duplicate reports that only error on the frontend (and thus easily go undetected on backend), we...

@Marc-marc-marc the class about "too small landduse" may also be extented to include landuse-like object for exl leisure=garden https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1155425895 (it's of course not a garden but a small cemetery with...

good first issue

I tried to update the mapcss files in preparation for another PR, and saw the following line: `# Skip selector using undeclared class TunnelCulvertWithoutWaterway` in the py file for https://josm.openstreetmap.de/browser/josm/trunk/resources/data/validator/combinations.mapcss...


1. Visit https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/nl/byuser/Famlam 2. See that you can only see the first 100 issues 3. Visit https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/nl/byuser/Famlam?limit=1000 4. Now you can see all 660 issues 5. Note that the change...

Compare the following: - https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/issues/false-positive?item=3032&source=2416&class=30322&username=SekeRob&bbox= - https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/issues/false-positive?item=3032&source=2416&class=30322&username=Famlam&bbox= The first link should return almost all reported false positives, the second should return zero. Instead, both cases, despite setting the filter to...

From https://github.com/osm-fr/osmose-backend/issues/1732 After a certain class has been removed from the backend (for example: after a mapcss update that removed the corresponding rule), the previously detected issues remain on the...

**Background** With the parameter `enableKeepPartialLinestring` enabled, the linestring of a way is generated even if the way is incomplete. This geometry is - as per the definition - different from...

Implements the new `siunit_length` mapcss function. Rules using this function were [added in the JOSM mapcss rules today](https://josm.openstreetmap.de/changeset?old_path=%2Fjosm&old=19129&new_path=%2Fjosm&new=19129). (If desired I can update the mapcss rules in this PR) I'm...

Exclude cycleways that return to itself (in a P-shaped way). This fixes an incorrect warning about unconnected cycleways at the self-intersection point. Technically enabled for all highways, but I guess...