This should be fixed now.
No longer relevant since 16.0.0-pre1, autocomplete is handled by LSP4IJ.
You can press escape to hide the autocomplete popup. This is standard intellij IDE autocomplete behaviour.
Does this still happen on 16.0.0-pre1?
Does this still happen?
No longer relevant since 16.0.0-pre1, LSP integration is handled by LSP4IJ.
For the time being, you can import the vscode zmpl syntax highlighting into intellij pretty easily, you just need to: 1. make sure you have the `TextMate Bundles` plugin enabled...
I'll add it in upcoming update
Added in 14.3.0, along with command line arguments for the compiler too.
@chrispickard Does this still happen with ZigBrains 12.0.0 and the latest master branch builds of zig and zls?