wbot copied to clipboard
Feature Request/Permintaan fitur baru
Silahkan bagi kalian yang punya ide mau ditambah fitur apa, biar makin banyak,
tentu kalian juga bisa membuat Pull Request nanti akan saya review :D
Kalian juga bisa buat issue baru dan beri label feature request
agar cepat di notice.
Please, for those of you who have an idea what features to add, so that there are more features in this bot,
Of course you can also make a Pull Request I will review it later :D
You can also create a new issue and label it feature request
so that it gets noticed quickly.
To do
- [x] Limit & Premium Only (BETA)
- [x] broadcast
- [x] Weebs Related Features
Terkait nomor terkena ban atau di blokir oleh WhatsApp karena sering melakukan "kick/menendang" anggota dari grup, ini bukanlah kesalahan dari source code di repository ini, melainkan memang sistem deteksi WhatsApp yang sangat sensitif dengan ha ini. Mohon untuk tidak melakukan spam di tab issue repo ini. Terima kasih.
Regarding the number being banned or blocked by WhatsApp because often kicks members out of the group, this is not the fault of the source code in this repository, but the WhatsApp detection system which is very sensitive to this. Please don't spam the issue tab of this repo. Thank you.
Caranya mendapatkan code qr gimana?
Caranya mendapatkan code qr gimana?
@OyenDCraft bisa di perjelas tidak pertanyaan nya?
Silahkan bagi kalian yang punya ide mau ditambah fitur apa, biar makin banyak, tentu kalian juga bisa membuat Pull Request nanti akan saya review :D Kalian juga bisa buat issue baru dan beri label
feature request
agar cepat di notice.Please, for those of you who have an idea what features to add, so that there are more features in this bot, Of course you can also make a Pull Request I will review it later :D You can also create a new issue and label it
feature request
so that it gets noticed quickly.To do
- [ ] Weebs Related Features
req : support heroku
req : support heroku
@Natx-C , okay
req : support heroku
@Natx-C , okay
siap om
Please Update Support to okteto.com
please add limit and game
Apakah bisa ganti welcomenya jadi welcome Canvas button 5?
please add limit and game
kapan2 nanti saya tambahkan
Apakah bisa ganti welcomenya jadi welcome Canvas button 5?
edit saja di event/group_event.js
bisa Anda kustomisasi sesuka hati
Please Update Support to okteto.com
I will try to support the platform
Assalamualaikum bang tambah broadcast sama owner, isOwner Begitu.
Assalamualaikum bang tambah broadcast sama owner, isOwner Begitu.
sudah ditambahkan, bila ada eror buat saja issue baru. c9e83e7e7db790f7895fecafb27d8c34ba239b2f
please add limit and game
untuk game saya tidak bisa, saya ingin repo ini tetap simpel, untuk limit saya sedang memikirkannya.
bang tambahin support buat API zenzapi.xyz ya tq, karena disana ada update info buat jadwaltv, info gempa dan buat scrape AlQuran, sangat bermanfaat bg
bang tambahin support buat API zenzapi.xyz ya tq, karena disana ada update info buat jadwaltv, info gempa dan buat scrape AlQuran, sangat bermanfaat bg
oke, ntar siang
req : support heroku
untuk heroku sudah ada di branch heroku silahkan di cek
makasih bang request nya :>
req : fitur todo list
req : fitur todo list
fitur yang bagaimana tuh?
req : fitur todo list
fitur yang bagaimana tuh?
Request sistem sewa bot, anonymous chat, pinterest, google search (image or query), sticker with own watermark, ability to set sticker as command alternative.
Kebanyakan ngak ya request fiturnya:v semoga bisa
Request fitur simple aja, fitur auto read & auto delete dong. Soalnya bot tanpa auto read berat nge cache pesan unreadnya, mungkin dibikin interval setiap beberapa jam auto read & deletenya. Sekian
Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan igCookies?
Silahkan bagi kalian yang punya ide mau ditambah fitur apa, biar makin banyak, tentu kalian juga bisa membuat Pull Request nanti akan saya review :D Kalian juga bisa buat issue baru dan beri label
feature request
agar cepat di notice.Please, for those of you who have an idea what features to add, so that there are more features in this bot, Of course you can also make a Pull Request I will review it later :D You can also create a new issue and label it
feature request
so that it gets noticed quickly.To do
- [x] Limit & Premium Only (BETA)
- [x] broadcast
- [x] Weebs Related Features
Terkait nomor terkena ban atau di blokir oleh WhatsApp karena sering melakukan "kick/menendang" anggota dari grup, ini bukanlah kesalahan dari source code di repository ini, melainkan memang sistem deteksi WhatsApp yang sangat sensitif dengan ha ini. Mohon untuk tidak melakukan spam di tab issue repo ini. Terima kasih.
Regarding the number being banned or blocked by WhatsApp because often kicks members out of the group, this is not the fault of the source code in this repository, but the WhatsApp detection system which is very sensitive to this. Please don't spam the issue tab of this repo. Thank you.
Anu bang bug WA update skrng ga bisa kirim URLBUTTON ,MAKASIH
Silahkan bagi kalian yang punya ide mau ditambah fitur apa, biar makin banyak, tentu kalian juga bisa membuat Pull Request nanti akan saya review :D Kalian juga bisa buat issue baru dan beri label
feature request
agar cepat di notice.Please, for those of you who have an idea what features to add, so that there are more features in this bot, Of course you can also make a Pull Request I will review it later :D You can also create a new issue and label it
feature request
so that it gets noticed quickly.To do
- [x] Limit & Premium Only (BETA)
- [x] broadcast
- [x] Weebs Related Features
Terkait nomor terkena ban atau di blokir oleh WhatsApp karena sering melakukan "kick/menendang" anggota dari grup, ini bukanlah kesalahan dari source code di repository ini, melainkan memang sistem deteksi WhatsApp yang sangat sensitif dengan ha ini. Mohon untuk tidak melakukan spam di tab issue repo ini. Terima kasih.
Regarding the number being banned or blocked by WhatsApp because often kicks members out of the group, this is not the fault of the source code in this repository, but the WhatsApp detection system which is very sensitive to this. Please don't spam the issue tab of this repo. Thank you.
Bg tambagin fitur remove message as admin hehehe keren