factory_boy copied to clipboard
`_original_params` do not get cleared out when the factory is used as a `SubFactory`
Using a factory to create an object (using .create()
) will set args passed in onto the _original_params
class attribute.
If a second factory uses that same factory as a SubFactory
in another test case, the _original_params
will still be set
to the values from the first test case because the SubFactory
call does not reset the _original_params
To Reproduce
There's a working example below.
Model / Factory code
Check the code below for the factories and models.
The issue
This causes an issue when overriding the _create
method in the factory to grab the _original_params
since those will not
be valid/stale (especially because the SubFactory passes no params). When one of the _original_params
is a model instance, on the subfactory call (in the separate test case) and is used on the _create
override to set something in the object an integrity error
will be raised since the object referenced in the _original_params
no longer exists in the database (it was deleted after the first
test was done).
from datetime import timedelta
from unittest import skip
import factory
import pytz
from django.test import TestCase
from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory
from appointments.models import Appointment, AppointmentAttendance, AppointmentType
from people.models import Person
from utils.testing_utils import CustomSubFactory
class PersonFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Person
class AppointmentTypeFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
name = factory.Faker("company")
custom_id = factory.Faker("numerify", text="########")
class Meta:
model = AppointmentType
class AppointmentFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
appointment_type = factory.SubFactory(AppointmentTypeFactory)
start_at = factory.Faker("future_datetime", tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))
end_at = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: d.start_at + timedelta(hours=1))
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
# Without the CustomSubFactory this params variable is still reflecting
# values from the first use of the AppointmentFactory class. Notice that the
# values are bound to the class and not to the instance.
params = getattr(cls, "_original_params", {}) or {}
kwargs["appointment_type"] = cls._get_appointment_type(params)
return super()._create(model_class, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_appointment_type(cls, params):
explicit = params.get("appointment_type", None)
if isinstance(explicit, AppointmentType):
return explicit
return AppointmentTypeFactory.create(name="Foo", custom_id="123456")
class Meta:
model = Appointment
class AppointmentAttendanceFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
appointment = factory.SubFactory(AppointmentFactory)
member = factory.SubFactory(PersonFactory)
class Meta:
model = AppointmentAttendance
class BetterAppointmentAttendanceFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
appointment = CustomSubFactory(AppointmentFactory)
member = factory.SubFactory(PersonFactory)
class Meta:
model = AppointmentAttendance
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestA(TestCase):
def test_this_will_work_but_must_come_first(self):
type_ = AppointmentTypeFactory.create(name="Bar")
# This usage is setting the original params in the AppointmentFactory class.
# Those values get stuck there for the second use of this class.
appointment = AppointmentFactory.create(appointment_type=type_)
assert appointment.appointment_type.name == "Bar"
class TestB(TestCase):
@skip("This will fail because it's not using the CustomSubFactory")
def test_this_will_fail_if_second(self):
attendance = AppointmentAttendanceFactory.create()
# This errors with an InegrityError because the AppointmentFactory is trying to
# use an AppointmentType that was crafted in the previous test. (note that we
# can't assert the error because it occurs during the tear down.)
assert isinstance(attendance.appointment.appointment_type.name, str)
def test_this_will_work_if_second(self):
# The CustomSubFactory will reset the _original_params attribute when using the
# SubFactory. This doens't happen with the default SubFactory.
attendance = BetterAppointmentAttendanceFactory.create()
assert isinstance(attendance.appointment.appointment_type.name, str)
To fix this, we created the following class:
import factory
class CustomSubFactory(factory.SubFactory):
def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs):
subfactory = self.get_factory()
subfactory._original_params = None
return super().evaluate(*args, **kwargs)
This resets the _original_params
when the factory is called through as a SubFactory
Maybe another way to see it is as a DjangoModelSubFactory