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Updated particle editor layout
The particle editor from CS:GO/Alien Swarm has a lot more quality of life improvements compared to the one currently in GMod Like live previews on the list of particles in your pcf file, or a list view of your currently selected particle's properties
Could the layout & QoL features of those other games be brought into GMod?
Single best thing Gmod could have related to particle editing. Though I think the biggest thing to add is consistency when reading the files. As most particle enthesis's have come to know; when opening a particle file each and every parameter location is random. Things like spawning a particle in a radius, will have swapped positions of MANY if not ALL of the parameters you can alter for it. If that was kept more consistent, it'd be better than 90% of the existing particle editors in source as it stands now. @robotboy655 If you're ever able to get around to something like that, it would help a lot of people like you wouldn't believe. Consistency is HUGE especially in development (which I'm sure you're already well acquainted with)
oh yeah, I did notice that occasionally the particles' initializers & operators would lose their position in the list upon loading the file, taking a random spot in the list instead
Ported the browser
Ported the properties panel too, and preview panel got new options as well.