Queuer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Queuer copied to clipboard

Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).

Results 12 Queuer issues
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I can't open documentation. Can you please fix the link?


The call of interface A returns the result and interface B is called, interface B finishes calling C, and finally synthesizes and renders. This kind of blocking doesn't seem to...




**Steps to reproduce** 1. Add some `ConcurrentOperation`s to a queue 2. Add a completion handler to the same queue. **Expected behavior:** Completion handler gets called after the last operation in...


Just wondered if it was possible to use this Queuer to push all alamofire requests into it with different priority scales? I think i read somewhere in an issue it...


The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.4.99.


This PR adds extra assertions to verify the queue length when testing adding multiple operations to the same queue. On Linux, there seem to be a bug (#19) that does...

help wanted

Hi I have been experimenting with this library for a tool I am porting from macOS to Linux and I seem to have a strange problem that I am unsure...


## Summary This PR adds the support for executing custom blocks on: pause, resume, and cancel. ## Support - [ ] iOS - [x] macOS - [ ] macCatalyst -...

work in progress

## Summary This PR adds some syntactic sugar methods. ## Support - [ ] iOS - [x] macOS - [ ] macCatalyst - [ ] tvOS - [ ] watchOS...

work in progress