Fabien Lavocat
Fabien Lavocat
Just do not enable CUDNN and the script will run on a CPU. But it will take you hours if not days to get a picture.
@errolgr @andersbll I the the error 'an illegal memory access was encountered' a lot when the image is "too large" for the code. I am running the code against a...
@filmo that's very interesting, I have also a 980ti, but can't get close to that number. The size of your subject images are about 1056x1600, what about the style image?
Can you try to make sure the backend is set to Numpy and not Cuda. The error message says that it's trying to load the Cuda libraries http://andersbll.github.io/deeppy-website/installation-guide.html
Did you run that command to install Cudarray? python setup.py --without-cuda install
I've faced a lot of installation issues on Ubuntu (I'm a big Windows guy...) but in the end I made it work. It took me a while too. On the...