Fabian Kramm

Results 318 comments of Fabian Kramm

@hvt you can also use `--debug` which will give you more information what the sync is currently doing, which might help you finding out what causes this issue

@ansonlc thanks a lot for creating this issue! Yes that makes a lot of sense, we'll exclude evicted pods from showing up in `devspace` commands

@johnnypea thanks for creating this issue! Yes seems like this is not part of the latest spec in devspace, we'll fix that for the next release!

@johnnypea when you get the resource already exist error, can you do a `devspace purge` and then `devspace dev` again?

@johnnypea thanks for the info, can you share your devspace.yaml that fails during `devspace dev`? Do you have multiple deployments that somehow reference the same pvc?

@johnnypea thanks for the info, I guess thats currently a limitation of the component chart as it tries to create 2 PVC's here. You are probably better off to create...

@johnnypea no, the problem is that the pvc already exists and you need to separate the deployments, where 1 deployment wouldn't create the persistent volume claim

@ansonlc thanks for creating this issue! What are these init containers doing, is printing the log worthy there or are those init containers added through the persist paths feature of...

@johnnypea that's strange, could you send us the replaced pod yaml? It should actually work like this.

@johnnypea thanks for the info, I see the problem now, your config needs to look like: ``` dev: replacePods: - labelSelector: app.kubernetes.io/component: app persistPaths: - path: /srv/app/public containerName: php-container volumePath:...