Change the file pdfreport.cpp, line 804 to this: ``` wxSortedArrayString SortedIndex; for (wxStringToStringHashMap::iterator iter = FootprintIndex.begin(); iter != FootprintIndex.end(); iter++) { wxString line = iter->first + wxT(" : ") +...
@adjco Seems to depend on how the wxWidgets library was configured. It compiles fine on my system. Try changing the type of SortedIndex (wxSortedArrayString) to wxArrayString, with that change it...
@dmitrystu I added support for the STM32F105/F107 based on the STM32F429 driver, would you accept a PR? I also ported the bootloader.
Hi, that's unfortunate. I don't know if the protocol in that drone is implemented yet, if it isn't and you have some spare time to reverse engineer it and implement...
Now they removed completely that option. editing settings.ini no longer works
Maybe also would be nice to be able to choose to install only step models, wrl models or both.
@easyw mm, I though it tried changing the extension to .step if loading the wrl failed. Currently the 3d viewer can load step models, the automatic try of .step file...
@easyw Well, If choose not to install step models is it reasonable for me to expect that the step export would not work, the same for wrl models. But I...
Yeah, I opened the files with an hex editor and found the following structures (using your file as reference): struct { uint8_t name_len; char *name; // name_len chars uint8_t dummy1;...
Did you solved it?