FTB-Sky-Odyssey copied to clipboard
Player with Cloud Pet unable to join server.
Modpack Version: 1.3.0
Issue: We had gotten the cloud pet in a crate or random reward, shortly after that my friend lost connection and every time he tried to join it would show the information that I included in the paste below. It obviously seemed to be caused by the Cloud Pet and instantly kicked him out every attempt.
Link to Log or Crash File Paste: https://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/76682f76
Is it Repeatable?: This would occur every time he tried to log in until I removed the Cloud Pet from his inventory via NBT editor
Mod/s Affected: Not sure if it's the pets mod or another mod interfering with it.
Known Fix: Edit the player data on the server and remove the Cloud Pet from their inventory.
Fix 2: update to https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-pets/files/2966477