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"Unary transform" raises some typechecker problems
The following fails to check, since a call to instantiate_implicits
on Cons 12345 Nil <: list nat
elaborates it to Cons #int 12345 (Nil #int) <: list nat
, instantiating the implicit with int
instead of nat
, even with the ascriptions. I think F* is to blame
fn test (_:unit)
requires emp
ensures emp
let x : list nat = [12345] <: list nat;
Ah! It's not F*, this works fine"
module X
open FStar.Tactics.V2
let _ = assert True by begin
let t = `([12345] <: list nat) in
let res = instantiate_implicits (cur_env()) t in
match res with
| Some (t, ty), _ -> print (term_to_string t)
| _ -> fail "None?"
TAC>> Prims.Cons #Prims.nat 12345 (Prims.Nil #Prims.nat) <: Prims.list Prims.nat
Verified module: X
All verification conditions discharged successfully
It's the deep_transform_to_unary_applications
pass that "breaks" it by making the typechecker work differently
Another symptom (lucky coincidence to find it just after this)
open Pulse.Lib.Pervasives
module GR = Pulse.Lib.GhostReference
type finv (p:vprop) = {
r : GR.ref bool;
i : inv emp;
fn crash (p:vprop)
requires emp
ensures emp
let r = GR.alloc false;
let i = new_invariant' emp;
let fi : finv p = { r=r; i=i } <: finv p;
Fails with
* Error 17 at Crash.fst(14,0-25,3):
- Tactic logged issue:
- Invalid_argument("List.combine: list lengths differ")
- Raised within Tactics.refl_instantiate_implicits
But works fine if the pass is removed.
Also, this is the code in F* that solves the constraints eagerly.
The trouble with record literal syntax and unary transform is addressed here: