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Error `(Invalid_argument "output_value: functional value")` when compiling with `--cache_checked_modules` on a very specific program
Look at the file Heing.fst
module Heing
class typeclass (ty:Type0) = {
meh: unit;
assume val the_ty: Type0
assume val the_pf: typeclass the_ty
instance _: typeclass the_ty = the_pf
// No bug if we:
// - remove `pf` in `t3`
// - try to remove the parameter of type `t2 p1` in `t3`
assume val t1: Type0
assume val t2: t1 -> Type0
assume val t3: ty:Type0 -> pf:typeclass ty -> p1:t1 -> p2:t2 p1 -> Type0
assume val t4: ty:Type0 -> pf:typeclass ty -> Type0
// No bug if we don't use meta-programmed typeclass instantiation
assume val t3_to_t4: #ty:Type0 -> {|pf:typeclass ty|} -> #p1:t1 -> #p2:t2 p1 -> t:t3 ty pf p1 p2 -> t4 ty pf
assume val t4_pred: t4 the_ty the_pf -> prop
assume val dtuple_pred: p1:t1 & p2:t2 p1 & t3 the_ty the_pf p1 p2 -> prop
// No bug if instead of `nat` we have a `int`
assume val nat_pred: nat -> prop
//Bug is still there if `n1` has type `int`
val the_lemma: p1:t1 -> p2:t2 p1 -> t:t3 the_ty the_pf p1 p2 -> n1:nat -> tl:t4 the_ty the_pf -> Lemma
(requires t4_pred tl)
(ensures True)
let the_lemma p1 p2 t n1 tl =
// No bug if we remove this line, or if we instantiate the typeclass explicitly
let _ = t3_to_t4 t in
// No bug if we remove this line
let (|_, _, _|) = (|p1, p2, t|) in
// No bug if in the next 3 introduce/eliminate we
// - remove `n0 <= n1`
// - remove `nat_pred n0`
// - replace `dtuple_pred (|p1, p2, t|)` with `True`
// - remove one of the eliminates / introduce
introduce (exists n0. n0 <= n1 /\ nat_pred n0) ==> dtuple_pred (|p1, p2, t|)
with _. (
eliminate exists n0. n0 <= n1 /\ nat_pred n0
returns dtuple_pred (|p1, p2, t|)
with _. (
// No bug if we use `nat_pred` or a predicate for a new type
// Bug is still there if we use `dtuple_pred` instead of `t4_pred`
eliminate exists x. t4_pred x
returns dtuple_pred (|p1, p2, t|)
with _. (
Works fine in interactive mode, however when compiled like this:
fstar.exe --cache_checked_modules Heing.fst
it gives the error:
Unexpected error; please file a bug report, ideally with a minimized version of the source program that triggered the error.
(Invalid_argument "output_value: functional value")