HandTracker copied to clipboard
import error about 'libcore.so'
mportError: /usr/lib/handtrack/libs/libCore.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2cv9ExceptionC1EiRKSsS2_S2_i please, how should I modifiy this error?
From the error it looks like the opencv "Exception" class is undefined. Check that you have the correct version of opencv in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You can use ldd on libCore.so to see which opencv libraries are used.
i also encountered the same problem ,how do you solve it? i set the environment variable.
This is probably a opencv version issue. These libraries where built for ubuntu 14.04 with the opencv v2.48.
i see. thank you
I encountered the same problem too. I found that the problem is possibly caused by the wrong version of gcc(& g++). the same error was reported when I used gcc-5. Finally when I changed to gcc-4 and rebuild the opencv package, this problem was solved.