> REAL-ESRGAN is to large, It's too difficult to run it in real time on current computers. The main bottleneck is memory size. 2k game + 2x enlarge cost about...
[2x-DigitalFlim](https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/n/ax6ygfvpvzka/b/open-modeldb-files/o/2x-DigitalFlim-SuperUltraCompact.pth) The best ESR model I ever tried, not only the size but also the output(real + anime)
nothing happened after I put both files in effects folder (even rebooted the system) For experiment I also put the fakehdr.hlsl and it works... Don't know if I made any...
> You have to use newer version. https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie/actions/runs/7911000525 Thank u for your great work and help! Anyway I still don't know how to download the build from GitHub action, so...
> Download from here: https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie/actions/runs/7911000525/artifacts/1246839355 Thank u. After sigin again I can download it. It's wired that kind of page from action Need to be sign in (otherwise show 404)...
For detail restore...[2x-Futsuu-Anime](https://openmodeldb.info/models/2x-Futsuu-Anime), but its 4M... i think its a game for 4090
find data to enhance SUC model might be the better way forward... Comparing with tensor rt, directml is a universal solution, imo... (But obviously cannot gain from nv hardware acceleration)...
I found a extremely tiny size model (0.3m) and now it's be real time upscaling for 540p video... in my APU!