Hi lemmingDev, Would love to know which pins you used to get an SPI display working on a T-Beam.
Hi FrancisObicuelo, For information, if you are using Bodmer's TFT_eSPI library you can now re-map the display to use the HSPI bus on the T-Beam. If this is your case,...
Ok Francisco - I’ll get back to you tomorrow as I’m waiting to board my flight.
Hi Francisco, Firstly, on my T-Beams the pins are mapped as follows: For LoRa: RST 23 NSS/CS 18 SCK 5 MOSI 27 MISO 19 For the GPS: TX 12 RX...
For information, I've got LoRa, GPS, Barometer, ILI9488 display, led and sound alarms all being controlled by multi-threading on an ESP32 (not T-Beam however). I'm just waiting for the delivery...
Hi Evilgeniusnerd . The pins I mention match up to a 38-pin ESP32 Dev Module v0.7 The pins on v1.0/v1.1 modules are slightly different e.g. the TX on the GPS...
Hi all. Following on from our previous discussion, I've been able to get my T-Beam v0.7 working with an SPI display, LoRa, GPS and a BMP280 barometer. However, I haven't...
Hi lemmingDev, Thanks for the info. In fact, I did already think about trying your suggestion to connect to the pins that the LoRa module uses. It might even get...