FLAMEGPU2 copied to clipboard
FLAME GPU 2 is a GPU accelerated agent based modelling framework for CUDA C++ and Python
Currently just an (untested) minimal viable product Still required for merge - [ ] Throw exception if steps=0 is loaded, and model doesn't have an exit condition. - [ ]...
These were left over from the PR, but none-blocking * Import/export `RunPlanVec` to file ability. * There was originally a plan to have code that estimates max concurrent models by...
Node 16 Github actions are deprecated, but node 20 actions are incompatible with Manylinux_2014/CentOS7. - Replaces manylinux wheel building to use 2_28 (based on Alma 8) - Updates depreacted actions...
Manylinux2014 containers are based on Centos7, which is now end of life (although third party companies are providing extended support). GitHub are also removing actions support from OS' which are...
CMake 3.30 deprecates calling `FetchContent_Populate` with a single argument. preferring `FetchContent_MakeAvailable()` should be preffered or `FetchContent_Populate` with atleast one extra argument must be used. We've previously used `FetchContent_Populate` as older...
Docker Image
We probably want to provide a docker image(s) as one option for running flamegpu Based on other projects, we probably want to provide: + `docker/cuda/Dockerfile` (or something to identify it...
Many of our standalone model/benchmark repositories are still on FLAME GPU 2.0.0-rc or older. We should atleast bump these to 2.0.0-rc.1 to bring in bug fixes. There wasn't many breaking...
Using multiple states can be a little faffy to use in places, requiring agent function conditions which then launch trivial agent functions just to enforce transition based on agent data....
Unlike agent functions which can be added to a LayerDescrption using an overloaded method which can take: - `CAgentFunctionDescription` - `AgentFunctionDescription` - `AgentFn a = AgentFn()` - `const std::string &agentName,...
The current documentation for [`host functions & conditions` > `Agent Creation`](https://docs.flamegpu.com/guide/host-functions/agent-operations.html#agent-creation) states that: > [newAgent()](https://docs.flamegpu.com/api/classflamegpu_1_1HostAgentAPI.html#_CPPv4N8flamegpu12HostAgentAPI8newAgentEv) returns an instance of [HostNewAgentAPI](https://docs.flamegpu.com/api/classflamegpu_1_1HostNewAgentAPI.html#_CPPv4N8flamegpu15HostNewAgentAPIE), this can be used like other objects to set and...