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Conda Python Package Distribution

Open ptheywood opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

Conda is an alternative python package distribution mechanism to pip/pypi.

It is not as widely use due to pip and pypi being the defacto defaults, but is widely used in the scientific community.

The main advantage of conda over pip is that it can manage non python dependencies, such as the cuda toolkit.

Several large/populat CUDA + python packages prefer conda as their package distribution mechanism to some of the features it offers comapred to pypi, including rapids and torch.

Conda allows packages to depend on nvidia provided cudatoolkit packages, with versions specified, unlike pypi, allowing users to requrest the latest version of a package, built with CUDA X.Y which is not possible using pypi + local verison +cudaXY labels.

The conda EULA however should also be considered, as this was changed in 2020? to be less favourable than before, but in practice this shouldn't be a issue.

I'm not yet famililar enough with the conda packaging process to weigh up on how much effort this would be, without cmake/swig based setup, as most examples are from a mostly pure python packaging, but things to consider would be:

  • Conda binary distribution appears to just be compressed tarballs. How does this deal with glibc? We may still have to build on centos7 or equivalent docker images? The conda convert command may be relevant.
  • Are conda labels suitable for providing alternative seatbelts on/off builds? The same woudl apply for visuslistaion
  • This wills till rely on not redistributing libcuda.so, so (atleast some of) #647 will still be required.
  • Upload to conda would be possible via actions on successful release creation

See #605 for some past notes/discussion

ptheywood avatar Aug 18 '21 17:08 ptheywood

Conda packages do not have an equivanelt to the extras/extras_require part of pypi/wheel packages which are being considered for optional dependencies. There are open issues on the conda repo to add this feature, but the general consensus so far is to use conda meta packages.

A conda metapackage is a package which has no files, only metadata (i.e. depends on packages x and y). I.e. we could have the core pyflamegpu pacakge, and a pyflamegpu-visualisation metapackage which depends on the core pyflamegpu and the visualisation compontent? I don't fully understand this yet, but it's worth making a note of.

ptheywood avatar Aug 20 '21 09:08 ptheywood

Package Names and filenames


  • Conda package names can contain [a-z0-9_\.\-].
    • I.e. pyflamegpu and pyflamegpu-vis or pyflamegpu_vis would be ok. if we have more than one.
  • Package versions are much more free-form than wheel packages, so our current plans are OK.
  • Build strings identifies specific builds of a version of a package. I.e. which platform / conda version it was built with. It's dynamicly generatetd during the build process.
  • conda package filenames are <package_name>-<version>-<build>.(tar.bz2|conda).
    • the newer .conda format is much faster to extract, and typically is smaller than the older .tar.bz2 pacakge format.
  • Example conda package filenames
    • linux-64/pytorch-1.9.0-py3.8_cuda11.1_cudnn8.0.5_0.tar.bz2
      • Linux builds of pytorch1.9.0, with the build string identifying the python version, cuda version and cudnn dependencies.
      • This would be installable via conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia.
        • The nvidia channel is required for 11.1 but not 10.2 in the intstall instructions, not sure why exactly.
    • win-64/pytorch-1.9.0-py3.8_cuda10.2_cudnn7_0.tar.bz2
      • Windows build of pytorch 1.9.0, build string showing the python, cuda and cudnn versions.
      • This would be installable via conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch from windows
    • win-64/pytorch-1.9.0-py3.6_cpu_0.tar.bz2
      • Windows build of the CPU variant of pytorch, shown by the build string.
      • This is installed via conda install pytorch cpuonly -c pytorch from a wnidows platform.
        • cpuonly here is a metapackage that influences which version of pytorch is installed. The track_features component of metadata.yaml looks relevant.

Conda Channels.


  • Conda channels are URLs which are used as sources of lists of the packages available.
  • Being more specific about which channels to look in generally improves performance of conda install (as there are less packages to consider)
  • They can be specified excplicitly, or if it's an ancaonda.org channel (or other default?) just by using the name. I.e. conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch will install the pytorch package from the pytorch channel, and depends on version 10.2 of the cudatoolkit package (which is provided by the nvidia channel.
    • Specifying the channel can be ommitted most of the time, but its faster to specify it, and if your package and channel have the same names then you may have to specify the channel too.
  • I.e. We would have the flamegpu or pyflamegpu channels. Probably flamegpu in case we provide bindings for R which could be distributed through conda.
  • Within a channel, packages are grouped in directories by platform. these appear to commonly just be linux-64, win-64 and osx-64. noarch is used for platform independent (not-binary) pacakges.
    • I.e. we can't really use gh releases as a way of providing our own index, but I don't think we'd need to.



  • The default label is main

  • Labels can be used to separate builds at different stages of development

  • When packages are uploaded to an index, they can be assigned one or more labels.

  • When users install packages from an index, they will only access the main (or only?) label by default.

  • If there were a test lablel users would use -c channel/label/test when searching / installing rather than -c channel.

  • This might be how to distribute alpha/beta/rc packages with conda, possibly a prerelease label for all of them, although I'm unsure how the conda's version comparison rules would decide which is latest if an exact version was not provided.

    • Conda-forge use:
      • the rc label for beta and rc releases, used when there are no new features to be added to that release, just bug-fixes.
      • the dev label for pre-alpha and alpha builds, i.e. for versions that will have significant changes prior to a stable (or beta/rc) release.
      • conda-forge is a communitey channel which provides a central location to find many common packages in a single conda channel, rather than having to specify lots of -c <channel> options. I dont' expect that we will be submitting to conda-forge, at least not initially.
  • Alternatively, pytorch use a separate channel for nightly builds, but this doesn't fit our current needs.

Package Metadata


These are just some key points while scanning the referecned source. Not comprehensive.

  • the source section needs to refer to the git_rev and /or include hashes of a tarball download. This might mean that we have to geenrate this in a post-release step (i.e. we can't include this information in a file in the repository). It's a bit chicken-and-egg-ish. Though performing the builds as part of the on tag push CI would have this information avaialble (assuming it works so we don't have to force push over it). Probably fine, just needs some thought.
  • track_features is a way of de-prioritising packages when there are multiple compeating version, and no two pacakges in a subdirecotry should have the same track_feature. I.e. this is how the CPU version of pytorch is de-prioritised compared to the gpu variants (if the cuda-toolkit dependency is met?)
  • build: no_link: is used to enforce copying not linking of files.
  • build: noarch is used for architecture independent packages. This would only be relevant for metapackages if we use them.
  • requirements of packages are split into build, host and run requirements, with complex rules about how a build requirement may implicitly add host and run requirements.
    • git and cmake would be some of the entries in build: in our case.
    • shared libraries should be listed in the host section rather than build, for portable packages?
  • test: section provides details of how ot test the package, including dependencies, commands and python imports required. Alternatively a script can be referenced to handle this.
  • This can be templateded with Jinja templates, which will resolve some concerns sucha s the git tag etc. I.e. version: {{ GIT_DESCRIBE_TAG }}

Other conda packages

  • There's a swig conda package, with 4.0.2 already, so we can depend on that at conda time rather than our cmake fetching it.
  • rapids/cudf might not be a bad reference for cuda library + python wrapper. It provides a cudf package which is the python interface, which depends on libcudf (plus alternate builds with optional extras such as kafka

Possible files to create

└── recipes
    ├── libflamegpu
    │   ├── bld.bat
    │   ├── build.sh
    │   └── meta.yaml
    └── pyflamegpu
        ├── bld.bat
        ├── build.sh
        └── meta.yaml

And maybe visualisation variants of the above, and/or console versions too, depending on how splitting that goes.

The pyflamegpu package metadata would depend on libflamepgu metadata (if we package both on conda). Alternatively we could just provide pyflamegpu if we do not dist libflamegpu separately.

ptheywood avatar Aug 20 '21 10:08 ptheywood

Conda is looking more viable / likely to be our chosen method of distribution, as there are GL related conda packages we might be able to leverage to avoid redistibuting ourselves, if that's even required for conda binary distribution.

Pip/pypi is looking less and less viable (for visuaslisation distribution)

ptheywood avatar Aug 24 '21 10:08 ptheywood

If we are to make a conda package, we will need to tweak the dll loading logic for windows + python 3.8+ when it is patched to use add_dll_directory when finding nvrtc etc, as conda doesn't do the same as cpython.

ptheywood avatar Jun 28 '22 10:06 ptheywood

The Conda forge maintainers documentation has some very useful info about making packages. I doubt we'll push to conda-forge immediately, instead using our own channel, but most of this still applies and doesn't look too bad.


ptheywood avatar Oct 26 '22 09:10 ptheywood

CUDA 12.x needs handling differently to 11.x it seems, in a good way (can specify the parts of cuda needed, so installs are much lighter).


Rapids/pytorch are probably a good source of how to deal with that.

ptheywood avatar Aug 25 '23 11:08 ptheywood

If we are to make a conda package, we will need to tweak the dll loading logic for windows + python 3.8+ when it is patched to use add_dll_directory when finding nvrtc etc, as conda doesn't do the same as cpython.


Best evidence I can find, is that we wouldn't require that data.

Robadob avatar Oct 23 '23 08:10 Robadob