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Windows CI failures
At some point between 2024-04-26 and 2024-06-11 our Windows CI has stopped working, for CUDA 11.8 and CUDA 12.3 builds (11.0 builds are fine).
In both cases, CMake could not find CUDA language support:
CMake Warning at cmake/CheckCompilerFunctionality.cmake:23 (message):
CUDA Language Support Not Found
This is after CUDA was installed successfully via network installer at the appropriate location and path updated
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.3
Probably worth debugging in a separate mcuh smaller repo to avoid CI spam / long CI times when it does work. i.e. a fork of flamegpu with most CI disabled, or a fork of https://github.com/ptheywood/cuda-cmake-github-actions (the repo I used to develop the cuda install scripts in the first place).
Things to check could be:
is correctly on the path just before the cmake configuration phase -
can manually compile a test program without CMake (which is what cmake does) - Check which versions of packages have changes in the github actions runner between those dates, try and reproduce on a local windows build
- Output the CMake log files when the step fails, to see what error messages were provided during CUDA language support checking.