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Space Heroes CTF was an online jeopardy style Capture the Flag competition that our FITSEC Team From Florida Tech hosted.
Space Heroes CTF
Space Heroes CTF was an online jeopardy style Capture the Flag competition that our FITSEC Team From Florida Tech host April 21st-April 23rd 2023. The results of the competition are published to CTFtime.
Name | Categoy | Author |
Acheron | re | Cody |
Battleboats in Space | re | tylzars |
Chess With Spock | re | monkey_noises |
Dont Panic | re | condor0010 |
Brains | re | condor0010 |
Thanks for all the fish | re | Curtíco |
Galactic Federation | re | monkey_noises |
Guardians-of-the-galaxy | re | bl4ckp4r4d1s3 |
Everything is wrong | re | blakato |
DSAlien | crypto | Pwnut |
The World of Tomorrow | crypto | Cody |
bynary_encoding | crypto | Curtíco |
cryptographic-space-rover | crypto | tylzars |
rick_sanchez_algorithm | crypto | SolarDebris |
Luggage Combination | crypto | monkey_noises |
emojency | crypto | falco |
Death Star Computer | pwn | monkey_noises |
Blast Off | pwn | SolarDebris |
Cardassian Targeting Sys. 2 | pwn | Curtíco |
Cardassian Targeting System | pwn | Curtíco |
One-Byte | pwn | v10l3nt |
SpaceBirds Aren't real | pwn | v10l3nt & SolarDebris |
Space Memory | pwn | tylzars |
engine-failure | pwn | bl4ckp4r4d1s3 |
jedi-oriented-programming | pwn | v10l3nt & Kippy |
A New Hope | forensics | Cody |
Time Leap | forensics | Curtíco |
tarry Night | forensics | Pwnut |
i OFTen see star wars at main | forensics | tylzars |
File_size_matter_not | forensics | bl4ckp4r4d1s3 |
conspiracy | forensics | condor0010 |
Félicette | forensics | condor0010 |
space_stream | forensics | Bal |
My God, it's full of | forensics | Falco |
brainiac | forensics | SolarDebris |
My New Best Friend | web | blakato |
Sanity Check in Space | web | Cody |
Apollo Guidance Computer | web | tylzars |
Bank-of-Knowhere | web | bl4ckp4r4d1s3 |
attack-strategies | web | Bal |
The DEW | web | Pwnut |
- In several challenges we created fictious references and stories to characters from Star Wars, Star Trek, Steins Gate, Rick and Morty, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Goku are used the academic fair use clause that permits reproduction of copyright works for certain limited, educational purposes.
- TJ builds his docker containers off the template published by the Order of the Overflow for their DEFCON 2019 Speed Run Challenges.
- SolarDebris used a blog post from Sagi on RSA wiener's attack to build the key.
- teeman22 used code from the moonJS project to develop apollo-guidance-computer for the web.
- The font pack for i-OFTen-see-star-wars was built from Pixel Sagas Aurebesh font package and malformed by teeman22 for the challenge.
- Dylan used images from and text from The Flat Earth Wiki in the Dew. Direct sources for his images can be found in the comments of news.html.
- TJ and SolarDebris built Space Birds Arent Real in homage to the parody site: Birds Arent Real. The Sanity Check Flag also pays homage to the site.
- Falco based emojency on a similar problem he personally created for Hack-A-SAT.
- Blakato built My New Best Friend using the OpenAI API.
- Monkey_noises named Luggage Combination in homage to a scene from SpaceBalls.
- Cody used sources from several sci-fi medias for Sanity Check in Space. The sources to his pictures can be found in the for Sanity Check in Space.