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Utilize InstanceFleet features in EMR Cluster Mgmt
As a Herd/DM Cluster Mgmt User I want to use new EMR InstanceFleet features so I can manage spot instances more effectively.
Teams want to take advantage of the following features: Instance Fleets with Weighted Capacity, Defined Duration, Provisioning Timeout as documented in this AWS [documentation|http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-instance-fleet.html]
This story adds an InstanceFleet section to Herd's existing [EMR Cluster Definition|https://wiki.finra.org/display/DataManagement/EMR+Cluster+Definition]
Acceptance Criteria
- New optional element exists in Cluster Definition for InstanceFleet data
- InstanceFleet data includes all information in the instance-fleet json as described in the AWS documentation linked above
- All InstanceFleet information gets passed to AWS when:
- User includes InstanceFleet infromation in a Cluster Definition
- User includes InstanceFleet infromation as an override when launching a cluster
- Existing EMR Cluster Activiti wrapper is modified to handle InstanceFleet
- Return 40x error if user includes both InstanceFleets and InstanceDefinitions information
- If override creates a definition that includes both InstanceFleet and pre-existing InstanceDefinitions elements, return 40x error stating they must include only one
- Return 40x if EMR version does not support Instance Fleet
Test Notes
- Proposed testing approach
- Validate all inputs get passed according to AWS spec when launching EMR
- New smoke test for happy path - but it has to be something that is predictable/reliable