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UI - Refine and exclude results by facet(s) in global search
As a Data Analyst I want to refine results based on specific facets so I can focus my search on certain topic areas and eliminate noise that is making it difficult to find results.
Acceptance Criteria
- As a user selects multiple facets for refinement within a header, they are combined as OR logic in the search results
- As a user selects multiple facets for refinement across headers, they are combined as AND logic in the search results
- As a user selects a facet for exclusion, it is combined as AND NOT in the search results
- Each facet checkbox cycles between: unchecked (unfiltered), checked (filter results on this facet), and x-ed (exclude results from this facet)
- Each selection the user makes triggers the search and refreshes the result list.
- Note - all selections are one state - if user selects one checkbox, then another, then another, they do not go back, back, back.
- Facet counts updated each time the search occurs - but the list of facet remains at it was when the search was originally executed.
- If user drills down and comes back to this page, their filter selections should be pre-filled and the search will execute fresh
- User is able to clear all refines and exclusions with a single click
- There is a 500ms delay between each selection. This is a configurable value via the UI config.