BTW, I did not add something to the `/etc/systemd/system/crio.service` but tried to change the original `NO_PROXY` setting by a version using CIDR addresses. Because normally, Rancher RKE has its means...
Having the proxy stuff fixed by sysbox would be great because I just setup a fresh cluster and did the above steps of my workaround except that I did not...
A short note about the current status: I was not able to get my workaround running again. The node and its sysbox setup are not proper anymore. I am not...
@rodnymolina I revisited this issue when preparing our next training environment and I hoped I could now use sysbox, but the situation got even worse. Besides this still unresolved proxy...
I tried to fix it with the code below (managed to get the global variable `DisableTlsCertificateVerification ` correctly set and derived from the `insecureSkipVerify ` in main. So that is...
With RKE2, K8S 1.25.9 and Ubuntu 22.04, the Longhorn volume mount with fsGroup pod security context works, however mounting a secret with fsGroup set, still mounts the secret with `nobody:nogroup`.
@rodnymolina, sure, I can provide the requested data. Can I sent it on a private channel?