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Allow capping of ally's structures like mexes

Open Pokute opened this issue 5 months ago • 3 comments

It's not uncommon to end up with engineers near teammates' t2 and t3 mexes while the teammate might not have engineers nearby. Getting those engineers and eco to use fast would be great if an option was available to extend the capping functionality to allies. The options could be "Never", "Cap mexes and radars" and "Allow capping everything." Of course the other respective capping options would have to be enabled too.

The capping allies' functionality would work the same as your own buildings - right-clicking/assisting them.

An argument might be made that capping storages (especially if they're not yours) with volatile mass fabs might be felt as griefing so that might be disallowed.

Pokute avatar Mar 15 '24 15:03 Pokute

Could you elaborate more how this would work in practice? Who owns the mass storages after building them?

Garanas avatar Mar 16 '24 12:03 Garanas

The process to do It would work the same as normal capping: assisting the mex. The owner of mass storage would be the one who built it as teammates grant the adjancency bonus anyway. The default option would be "never" in the options so it won't ever affect players who don't want to do it.

As for players not wanting to have their mexes capped by other players? Well, people still could build it, but it would just be a couple of more clicks.

Pokute avatar Mar 17 '24 14:03 Pokute

Adjacency doesn't work between structures in different armies.

lL1l1 avatar Mar 22 '24 23:03 lL1l1