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Invalid iRule generation for HTTP/2 full proxy mode

Open shkarface opened this issue 10 months ago • 12 comments

Setup Details

CIS Version : 2.16.1
Build: f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr:2.16.1
BIGIP Version: BIG-IP Build 0.75.4 Engineering Hotfix
AS3 Version: 3.x
Agent Mode: AS3
Orchestration: K8S
Orchestration Version: v1.28.7 Pool Mode: Nodeport
Additional Setup details: Cilium CNI


When generating the irule for TLS virtual servers in the getTLSIRule function in routing.go, the generated iRule seems to be invalid and generates this log in BIG-IP.

TCL error: /k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_tls_irule <SERVER_CONNECTED> - can't read "sslprofile": no such variable while executing "if { not ($sslprofile equals "false") } { SSL::profile $reen }"

Here are the used configurations:

Virtual Server:

apiVersion: cis.f5.com/v1
kind: VirtualServer
    externaldns: enabled
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: gateway
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: payroll
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/id: default-payroll-gitops-gateway
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    f5cr: 'true'
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash: a67b146037fca2e49ddc407b58b5821983ed7d48
  name: gateway
  namespace: payroll
  host: payroll.dev.krd
  httpMrfRoutingEnabled: true
  ipamLabel: default
  policyName: gateway
    - path: /
      service: traefik
      serviceNamespace: traefik
      servicePort: 443
  tlsProfileName: payroll-tls
  virtualServerName: payroll-gateway

TLS Profile:

apiVersion: cis.f5.com/v1
kind: TLSProfile
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: gateway
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: payroll
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/id: default-payroll-gitops-gateway
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    f5cr: 'true'
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash: a67b146037fca2e49ddc407b58b5821983ed7d48
  name: payroll-tls
  namespace: payroll
    - payroll.dev.krd
    clientSSL: payroll-tls-ssl
      profileReference: secret
      renegotiationEnabled: false
    reference: hybrid
    serverSSL: /Common/serverssl
      profileReference: bigip
      renegotiationEnabled: false
    termination: reencrypt


apiVersion: cis.f5.com/v1
kind: Policy
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: gateway
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: payroll
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/id: default-payroll-gitops-gateway
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    f5cr: 'true'
    objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash: a67b146037fca2e49ddc407b58b5821983ed7d48
  name: gateway
  namespace: payroll
    http: /Common/http-k8s
      client: /Common/http2

Generated iRule:

when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect }
		proc select_ab_pool {path default_pool domainpath} {
			set last_slash [string length $path]
			set ab_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ab_deployment_dg"
			while {$last_slash >= 0} {
				if {[class match $path equals $ab_class]} then {
				set last_slash [string last "/" $path $last_slash]
				incr last_slash -1
				set path [string range $path 0 $last_slash]
			if {$last_slash >= 0} {
				set ab_rule [class match -value $path equals $ab_class]
				if {$ab_rule != ""} then {
					set weight_selection [expr {rand()}]
					set service_rules [split $ab_rule ";"]
                    set active_pool ""
					foreach service_rule $service_rules {
						set fields [split $service_rule ","]
						set pool_name [lindex $fields 0]
                        if { [active_members $pool_name] >= 1 } {
						    set active_pool $pool_name
						set weight [expr {double([lindex $fields 1])}]
						if {$weight_selection <= $weight} then {
                            #check if active pool members are available
						    if { [active_members $pool_name] >= 1 } {
							    return $pool_name
						    } else {
						          # select the any of pool with active members
						          if {$active_pool!= ""} then {
						              return $active_pool
				# If we had a match, but all weights were 0 then
				# retrun a 503 (Service Unavailable)
				HTTP::respond 503
			return $default_pool
		when CLIENT_DATA {
			# Byte 0 is the content type.
			# Bytes 1-2 are the TLS version.
			# Bytes 3-4 are the TLS payload length.
			# Bytes 5-$tls_payload_len are the TLS payload.
			binary scan [TCP::payload] cSS tls_content_type tls_version tls_payload_len
			if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_content_type] && [string is integer -strict $tls_content_type] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
			if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_version] && [string is integer -strict $tls_version] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
			switch -exact $tls_version {
				"769" -
				"770" -
				"771" {
					# Content type of 22 indicates the TLS payload contains a handshake.
					if { $tls_content_type == 22 } {
						# Byte 5 (the first byte of the handshake) indicates the handshake
						# record type, and a value of 1 signifies that the handshake record is
						# a ClientHello.
						binary scan [TCP::payload] @5c tls_handshake_record_type
						if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_handshake_record_type] && [string is integer -strict $tls_handshake_record_type] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
						if { $tls_handshake_record_type == 1 } {
							# Bytes 6-8 are the handshake length (which we ignore).
							# Bytes 9-10 are the TLS version (which we ignore).
							# Bytes 11-42 are random data (which we ignore).
							# Byte 43 is the session ID length.  Following this are three
							# variable-length fields which we shall skip over.
							set record_offset 43
							# Skip the session ID.
							binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}c tls_session_id_len
							if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_session_id_len] && [string is integer -strict $tls_session_id_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
							incr record_offset [expr {1 + $tls_session_id_len}]
							# Skip the cipher_suites field.
							binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}S tls_cipher_suites_len
							if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_cipher_suites_len] && [string is integer -strict $tls_cipher_suites_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
							incr record_offset [expr {2 + $tls_cipher_suites_len}]
							# Skip the compression_methods field.
							binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}c tls_compression_methods_len
							if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_compression_methods_len] && [string is integer -strict $tls_compression_methods_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
							incr record_offset [expr {1 + $tls_compression_methods_len}]
							# Get the number of extensions, and store the extensions.
							binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}S tls_extensions_len
							if { ! [ expr { [info exists tls_extensions_len] && [string is integer -strict $tls_extensions_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
							incr record_offset 2
							binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}a* tls_extensions
							if { ! [info exists tls_extensions] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
							for { set extension_start 0 }
									{ $tls_extensions_len - $extension_start == abs($tls_extensions_len - $extension_start) }
									{ incr extension_start 4 } {
								# Bytes 0-1 of the extension are the extension type.
								# Bytes 2-3 of the extension are the extension length.
								binary scan $tls_extensions @${extension_start}SS extension_type extension_len
								if { ! [ expr { [info exists extension_type] && [string is integer -strict $extension_type] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
								if { ! [ expr { [info exists extension_len] && [string is integer -strict $extension_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
								# Extension type 00 is the ServerName extension.
								if { $extension_type == "00" } {
									# Bytes 4-5 of the extension are the SNI length (we ignore this).
									# Byte 6 of the extension is the SNI type.
									set sni_type_offset [expr {$extension_start + 6}]
									binary scan $tls_extensions @${sni_type_offset}S sni_type
									if { ! [ expr { [info exists sni_type] && [string is integer -strict $sni_type] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
									# Type 0 is host_name.
									if { $sni_type == "0" } {
										# Bytes 7-8 of the extension are the SNI data (host_name)
										# length.
										set sni_len_offset [expr {$extension_start + 7}]
										binary scan $tls_extensions @${sni_len_offset}S sni_len
										if { ! [ expr { [info exists sni_len] && [string is integer -strict $sni_len] } ] }  { reject ; event disable all; return; }
										# Bytes 9-$sni_len are the SNI data (host_name).
										set sni_start [expr {$extension_start + 9}]
										binary scan $tls_extensions @${sni_start}A${sni_len} tls_servername
								incr extension_start $extension_len
							if { [info exists tls_servername] } {
								set servername_lower [string tolower $tls_servername]
                            	set domain_length [llength [split $servername_lower "."]]
                				set domain_wc [domain $servername_lower [expr {$domain_length - 1}] ]
                				# Set wc_host with the wildcard domain
								set wc_host ".$domain_wc"
								set passthru_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ssl_passthrough_servername_dg"
								if { [class exists $passthru_class] } {
                                    # check if the passthrough data group has a record with the servername
                                    set passthru_dg_key [class match $servername_lower equals $passthru_class]
								    set passthru_dg_wc_key [class match $wc_host equals $passthru_class]
								    if { $passthru_dg_key != 0 || $passthru_dg_wc_key != 0 } {
										SSL::disable serverside
										set dflt_pool_passthrough ""
										# Disable Serverside SSL for Passthrough Class
										set dflt_pool_passthrough [class match -value $servername_lower equals $passthru_class]
										# If no match, try wildcard domain
										if { $dflt_pool_passthrough == "" } {
											if { [class match $wc_host equals $passthru_class] } {
													set dflt_pool_passthrough [class match -value $wc_host equals $passthru_class]
										if { not ($dflt_pool_passthrough equals "") } {
										set ab_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ab_deployment_dg"
										if { not [class exists $ab_class] } {
											if { $dflt_pool_passthrough == "" } then {
												log local0.debug "Failed to find pool for $servername_lower $"
											} else {
												pool $dflt_pool_passthrough
										} else {
											set selected_pool [call select_ab_pool $servername_lower $dflt_pool_passthrough ""]
											if { $selected_pool == "" } then {
												log local0.debug "Failed to find pool for $servername_lower"
											} else {
												pool $selected_pool
         when CLIENTSSL_DATA {
            if { [llength [split [SSL::payload]]] < 1 }{
                reject ; event disable all; return;
            set sslpath [lindex [split [SSL::payload]] 1]
			set domainpath $sslpath
            set routepath ""
            set wc_routepath ""
            if { [info exists tls_servername] } {
				set servername_lower [string tolower $tls_servername]
            	set domain_length [llength [split $servername_lower "."]]
				set domain_wc [domain $servername_lower [expr {$domain_length - 1}] ]
				set wc_host ".$domain_wc"
				# Set routepath as combination of servername and url path
				append routepath $servername_lower $sslpath
     			append wc_routepath $wc_host $sslpath
				set routepath [string tolower $routepath]
				set wc_routepath [string tolower $wc_routepath]
				set sslpath $routepath
				# Find the number of "/" in the routepath
				set rc 0
				foreach x [split $routepath {}] {
				   if {$x eq "/"} {
					   incr rc
				# Disable serverside ssl and enable only for reencrypt routes
                SSL::disable serverside
				set reencrypt_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ssl_reencrypt_servername_dg"
				set edge_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ssl_edge_servername_dg"
                if { [class exists $reencrypt_class] || [class exists $edge_class] } {
					# Compares the routepath with the entries in ssl_reencrypt_servername_dg and
					# ssl_edge_servername_dg.
					for {set i $rc} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
						if { [class exists $reencrypt_class] } {
							set reen_pool [class match -value $routepath equals $reencrypt_class]
                            # Check for wildcard domain
                            if { $reen_pool equals "" } {
							    if { [class match $wc_routepath equals $reencrypt_class] } {
							        set reen_pool [class match -value $wc_routepath equals $reencrypt_class]
							if { not ($reen_pool equals "") } {
								set dflt_pool $reen_pool
								SSL::enable serverside
						if { [class exists $edge_class] } {
							set edge_pool [class match -value $routepath equals $edge_class]
                            # Check for wildcard domain
                            if { $edge_pool equals "" } {
							    if { [class match $wc_routepath equals $edge_class] } {
							        set edge_pool [class match -value $wc_routepath equals $edge_class]
							if { not ($edge_pool equals "") } {
							    set dflt_pool $edge_pool
                        if { not [info exists dflt_pool] } {
                            set routepath [
                                string range $routepath 0 [
                                    expr {[string last "/" $routepath]-1}
							set wc_routepath [
                                string range $wc_routepath 0 [
                                    expr {[string last "/" $wc_routepath]-1}
                        else {
				# handle the default pool for virtual server
				set default_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_default_pool_servername_dg"
                 if { [class exists $default_class] } {
                    set dflt_pool [class match -value "defaultPool" equals $default_class]
                # Handle requests sent to unknown hosts.
                # For valid hosts, Send the request to respective pool.
                if { not [info exists dflt_pool] } then {
                	 # Allowing HTTP2 traffic to be handled by policies and closing the connection for HTTP/1.1 unknown hosts.
                	 if { not ([SSL::payload] starts_with "PRI * HTTP/2.0") } {
                	    reject ; event disable all;
                        log local0.debug "Failed to find pool for $servername_lower"
                } else {
                	pool $dflt_pool
				set ab_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ab_deployment_dg"
                if { [class exists $ab_class] } {
                    set selected_pool [call select_ab_pool $servername_lower $dflt_pool $domainpath]
                    if { $selected_pool == "" } then {
                        log local0.debug "Unable to find pool for $servername_lower"
                    } else {
                        pool $selected_pool
		    log local0. "CUSTOM: SERVER_CONNECTED"
			set reencryptssl_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ssl_reencrypt_serverssl_dg"
			set edgessl_class "/k8s-dev/Shared/payroll_gateway_443_ssl_edge_serverssl_dg"
			if { [info exists sslpath] and [class exists $reencryptssl_class] } {
				# Find the nearest child path which matches the reencrypt_class
				for {set i $rc} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
					if { [class exists $reencryptssl_class] } {
						set reen [class match -value $sslpath equals $reencryptssl_class]
                        # check for wildcard domain match
                        if { $reen equals "" } {
						    if { [class match $wc_routepath equals $reencryptssl_class] } {
						        set reen [class match -value $wc_routepath equals $reencryptssl_class]
						if { not ($reen equals "") } {
							    set sslprofile $reen
					if { [class exists $edgessl_class] } {
						set edge [class match -value $sslpath equals $edgessl_class]
                        # check for wildcard domain match
                        if { $edge equals "" } {
						    if { [class match $wc_routepath equals $edgessl_class] } {
						        set edge [class match -value $wc_routepath equals $edgessl_class]
						if { not ($edge equals "") } {
							    set sslprofile $edge
					if { not [info exists sslprofile] } {
						set sslpath [
							string range $sslpath 0 [
								expr {[string last "/" $sslpath]-1}
                        set wc_routepaath [
							string range $wc_routepath 0 [
								expr {[string last "/" $wc_routepath]-1}
					else {
				# Assign respective SSL profile based on ssl_reencrypt_serverssl_dg
				if { not ($sslprofile equals "false") } {
				 		SSL::profile $reen

In this configuration, when connecting to the VS we get an HTTP/2 stream error because the iRule is invalid.

By removing the last few lines of code from the iRule:

# Assign respective SSL profile based on ssl_reencrypt_serverssl_dg
# if { not ($sslprofile equals "false") } {
#   SSL::profile $reen
# }

Now this works fine and HTTP/2 full proxy is working as expected

shkarface avatar May 02 '24 08:05 shkarface

@shkarface Please share CIS configuration and error log, steps to reproduce this issue to automation_toolchain_pm [email protected]

trinaths avatar May 03 '24 05:05 trinaths

Created [CONTCNTR-4712] for internal tracking.

trinaths avatar May 03 '24 05:05 trinaths

Thank you, I will do so.

shkarface avatar May 04 '24 02:05 shkarface

@shkarface We are not able to reproduce this issue in local. Could you try with this build and confirm whether the error is still present

Build: cisbot/k8s-bigip-ctlr:browserUpdateIssue

vidyasagar-m avatar May 21 '24 04:05 vidyasagar-m

Hello dear @vidyasagar-m , we have just updated to v2.17 and this is not yet fixed, all our virtual servers are responding with HTTP2 PROTOCOL ERROR

We have created ticket 00634117 on F5 support

shkarface avatar Jun 23 '24 08:06 shkarface

Hi @shkarface ,

Please verify the fix with the following build and let us know the feedback.

Build: quay.io/f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr-devel:816503baf4e744f9228e51699bcfb966a6351eba

vklohiya avatar Jun 28 '24 12:06 vklohiya

Hello @vklohiya,

Apologies for the late reply, I have tested your code and it still doesn't work. In fact, the new 2.17.1 version broke all VirtualServers with HostGroup assigned to them, I'm happy to jump on a call so we can look at this further.

shkarface avatar Jul 21 '24 19:07 shkarface

I have a few environments experiencing this bug as well. Is there any workaround?

walkingtub avatar Aug 12 '24 17:08 walkingtub

Hi @shkarface ,

Please verify the fix with the following build and let us know the feedback.

Build: quay.io/f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr-devel:816503baf4e744f9228e51699bcfb966a6351eba

I can confirm that this build fixes the issue

shkarface avatar Aug 13 '24 05:08 shkarface

@shkarface , Thanks for confirming it.

vklohiya avatar Aug 13 '24 12:08 vklohiya

@walkingtub , Can you also confirm if following build fixes the issue?

Build: quay.io/f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr-devel:816503baf4e744f9228e51699bcfb966a6351eba

vklohiya avatar Aug 13 '24 12:08 vklohiya

Can confirm this build works. I assume this will be in 2.18, do you know what the ETA for that is?

walkingtub avatar Aug 14 '24 15:08 walkingtub

Resolved in CIS 2.18 - https://clouddocs.f5.com/containers/latest/reference/release-notes.html

mdditt2000 avatar Sep 05 '24 18:09 mdditt2000