k8s-bigip-ctlr copied to clipboard
Controller should support Node Taints for k8s > 1.6
Node taints
The controller should support removal of nodes from appmgr if it is tainted unschedulable
When patching nodes, they are restarted. To make sure that no traffic is sendt to a node that is beeing restarted/deleted, looking at unschedulable taint would give the bigip-controller a head start while the node is beeing drained. It also prevents traffic beeing sendt to a drained node, traffic that is guranteed a second hop.
Actual Problem
Traffic issues when nodes are beeing removed is not a good situation for any production environment. It is frustrating to have bigip updated up to 30 seconds after the nodes has been deleted from k8s. Important traffic may be lost.
Solution Proposed
Update controller to look for and prefer the Node.Spec.Taint setting and then defer to the Node.Spec.Unschedulable setting - if a node selector label has been configured appManager will ignore taint. A flag to enable/disable this check.
Reducing node-poll-interval and verify-interval to a minimum will not prevent traffic lost.
Additional context
This feature request was previously implemented in #321 , but is no longer a part of appmgr.
@Efoi please can you reach out to me [email protected]
I also received a SR, C3841160 and i want to understand and prioritize the requirements.
@Efoi thank you for the email update. Jira updated and prioritized!
What about when a pod needs to be drained but not the node? Currently if the pod goes unready CIS will just remove that member from the pool. How can we have the option of setting the pool member to "disable" or "force offline"
Hi, has there been any updates regarding this issue?
Consider this issue with https://github.com/F5Networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr/issues/2965