f5-appsvcs-extension copied to clipboard
Azure ScaleSet Discovery via BIG-IQ - validation error
- Application Services Version: "version":"3.33.0","release":"4", same on BIG-IP and BIG-IQ
- BIG-IQ Version:
Declaration OK to a BIG-IP but get an error via BIG-IQ for same declaration Same behavior using tagKey and tagValue keys in Pool_Member in spite of scaleset
Steps To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Submit the following declaration via BIG-IQ:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension/master/schema/latest/as3-schema.json",
"persist": true,
"class": "AS3",
"declaration": {
"id": "id_app1",
"schemaVersion": "3.33.0",
"app1.f5cloudbuilder.dev": {
"defaultRouteDomain": 0,
"class": "Tenant",
"app1.f5cloudbuilder.dev_http": {
"pool_app1_default": {
"loadBalancingMode": "least-connections-member",
"monitors": [
"members": [
"directoryId": "**************",
"resourceType": "scaleSet",
"resourceId": "app1",
"servicePort": 80,
"resourceGroup": "rg-app1",
"credentialUpdate": false,
"addressDiscovery": "azure",
"addressRealm": "private",
"subscriptionId": "**************",
"applicationId": "**************",
"updateInterval": 1,
"apiAccessKey": "**************"
"class": "Pool"
"template": "http",
"statsProfile": {
"collectMethod": true,
"collectedStatsExternalLogging": true,
"collectMaxTpsAndThroughput": true,
"collectPageLoadTime": true,
"class": "Analytics_Profile",
"capturedTrafficInternalLogging": false,
"collectUrl": true,
"collectClientSideStatistics": true,
"collectedStatsInternalLogging": true,
"collectUserAgent": true,
"capturedTrafficExternalLogging": false,
"collectIp": true,
"collectGeo": true,
"collectResponseCode": true,
"collectOsAndBrowser": true,
"collectUserSession": true
"waf_policy_app1": {
"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nergalex/f5-awaf-policies/master/policy/API_security_template.xml",
"ignoreChanges": true,
"class": "WAF_Policy"
"serviceMain": {
"allowVlans": [
"securityLogProfiles": [
"bigip": "/Common/Shared/asm_log_bigiq"
"virtualPort": 80,
"profileHTTP": {
"use": "profile_http_app1"
"policyWAF": {
"use": "waf_policy_app1"
"virtualAddresses": [
"profileAnalytics": {
"use": "statsProfile"
"snat": "auto",
"class": "Service_HTTP",
"pool": "pool_app1_default"
"profile_http_app1": {
"proxyType": "reverse",
"responseChunking": "rechunk",
"class": "HTTP_Profile",
"xForwardedFor": true,
"requestChunking": "rechunk"
"class": "Application"
"target": {
"address": ""
"class": "ADC"
- Observe the following error response:
"id": "425965ed-fdb6-4294-8d57-c2f36c1e00e8",
"results": [
"code": 422,
"errors": [
"/app1.f5cloudbuilder.dev/app1.f5cloudbuilder.dev_http/pool_app1_default/members/0: 0 is NOT valid"
"declarationFullId": "",
"message": "declaration is invalid"
"declaration": {}
Expected Behavior
Pass AS3 validation on BIG-IQ
Actual Behavior
BIG-IQ block AS3 validation
Thank you for your feedback. I have added this to our internal product backlog as AUTOTOOL-2967.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] in order for us to prioritize. Thanks.