> > Any news? > > oh sorry, I was sorta busy starting a new job and sorting out my life, I'll try to make the requested changed within the...
Small bump here as well :)
Yet another corner case… thanks for finding it out! I'll have to investigate eventually :)
Could you send a pointer to the problematic release?
Hi there. Interesting corner case! What I am not sure to get in the case you describe is that, even with a release date in the future (?) it was...
No worries, it's my fault for answering very late. We can keep it open in case, and if I have the opportunity to investigate I'll try to gather more info....
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /path/to/bandcamp/downloads Value too large for defined data type
Hi there! Thanks for the report, quite a mysterious one though :) After a quick search, it seems this could be related to the fact that you are running the...
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /path/to/bandcamp/downloads Value too large for defined data type
I believe to investigate we would need the tool to be much more verbose. I've been thinking for a while to add a debug verbose level, this could be a...
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /path/to/bandcamp/downloads Value too large for defined data type
Also, sorry for not answering to the issue reported on Framagit. I do not know why I did not receive any notification email, hm.