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EzhilFileExecuter get_output returns empty data

Open kracekumar opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

I have django view which calls following function to execute the code.

def execute(code):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file:
        print("Input file: {0}".format(tmp_file.name))
        TIMEOUT = getattr(settings, 'TIMEOUT', 10)
        obj = EzhilFileExecuter(file_input=tmp_file.name, redirectop=True,
                                TIMEOUT=TIMEOUT, debug=False)
        res = obj.get_output()
        return res

The view properly decodes the json data and output is

Input file: /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmp7J6mbD
['/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpLn5eUL.output', '/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/Tezhil_21358.out', '']
.... terminate!!! ....

The code value is u'\nz = dict()\n\u0bb5\u0bc8(z, "name", "Tamil")\n\u0baa\u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baa\u0bcd\u0baa\u0bbf keys(z)\n'

The api is called using requests.

In [130]: r = requests.post("", json={'code': code})

In [131]: code
Out[131]:u'\nz = dict()\n\u0bb5\u0bc8(z, "name", "Tamil")\n\u0baa\u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baa\u0bcd\u0baa\u0bbf keys(z)\n'

Here is the output when debug=True

Input file: /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF
ezhil file executer
EzhilFileExecuter - entering the redirect mode
begin redirect mode
timeout non-zero
in busy loop : 0 , 10
['/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpDLuEoA.output', '/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/Tezhil_39332.out', 'init/EzhilLex\n(u\'-> opening file %s\', \'/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF\')\npost file open\nStart of Ezhil lexer - begin tokenize\n\nz = dict()\n\xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88(z, "name", "Tamil")\n\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf keys(z)\n\n(0, u\'\\n\')\n(1, u\'z\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'z\', 1)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e200>)\n(2, u\' \')\n(3, u\'=\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'=\', 3)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e248>)\n(4, u\' \')\n(5, u\'d\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'dict\', 5)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e2d8>)\n(9, u\'(\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'(\', 9)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e290>)\n(10, u\')\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\')\', 10)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e368>)\n(11, u\'\\n\')\n(12, u\'\\u0bb5\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'\\u0bb5\\u0bc8\', 12)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e320>)\n(14, u\'(\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'(\', 14)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e3b0>)\n(15, u\'z\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'z\', 15)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e3f8>)\n(16, u\',\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\',\', 16)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e440>)\n(17, u\' \')\n(18, u\'"\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'"name"\', 18)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e488>)\n(24, u\',\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\',\', 24)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e4d0>)\n(25, u\' \')\n(26, u\'"\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'"Tamil"\', 26)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e518>)\n(33, u\')\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\')\', 33)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e560>)\n(34, u\'\\n\')\n(35, u\'\\u0baa\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'\\u0baa\\u0ba4\\u0bbf\\u0baa\\u0bcd\\u0baa\\u0bbf\', 35)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e5a8>)\n(42, u\' \')\n(43, u\'k\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'keys\', 43)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e5f0>)\n(47, u\'(\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'(\', 47)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e638>)\n(48, u\'z\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\'z\', 48)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e680>)\n(49, u\')\')\n(u\'get_lexeme\', u\')\', 49)\n(u\'Lexer token = \', <ezhil.ezhil_scanner.EzhilLexeme instance at 0x10604e6c8>)\n(50, u\'\\n\')\nbefore reverse\n  [ - 0] Line=5, Col=1 in File   \n ) [) - 9] Line=4, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=4, Col=14 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=4, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n keys [keys - 1] Line=4, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf [\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf - 3] Line=4, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=3, Col=22 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n Tamil [Tamil - 21] Line=3, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n name [name - 21] Line=3, Col=7 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=3, Col=4 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=3, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 [\xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 - 1] Line=3, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=2, Col=10 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=2, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n dict [dict - 1] Line=2, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n = [= - 11] Line=2, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=2, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF \nafter reverse\n z [z - 1] Line=2, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n = [= - 11] Line=2, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n dict [dict - 1] Line=2, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=2, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=2, Col=10 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 [\xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 - 1] Line=3, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=3, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=3, Col=4 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n name [name - 21] Line=3, Col=7 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n Tamil [Tamil - 21] Line=3, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=3, Col=22 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf [\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf - 3] Line=4, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n keys [keys - 1] Line=4, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=4, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=4, Col=14 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=4, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n  [ - 0] Line=5, Col=1 in File  \n####### dump tokens ########\n z [z - 1] Line=2, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n = [= - 11] Line=2, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n dict [dict - 1] Line=2, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=2, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=2, Col=10 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 [\xe0\xae\xb5\xe0\xaf\x88 - 1] Line=3, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=3, Col=3 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=3, Col=4 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=5 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n name [name - 21] Line=3, Col=7 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n , [, - 10] Line=3, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n Tamil [Tamil - 21] Line=3, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=3, Col=22 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n \xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf [\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xa4\xe0\xae\xbf\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xaf\x8d\xe0\xae\xaa\xe0\xae\xbf - 3] Line=4, Col=1 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n keys [keys - 1] Line=4, Col=9 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ( [( - 8] Line=4, Col=13 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n z [z - 1] Line=4, Col=14 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n ) [) - 9] Line=4, Col=15 in File /var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpJS1GyF  \n  [ - 0] Line=5, Col=1 in File  \n##########################\n']
.... terminate!!! ....

But executing same code in interpreter produces proper output

>>> code= u'\nz = dict()\n\u0bb5\u0bc8(z, "name", "Tamil")\n\u0baa\u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baa\u0bcd\u0baa\u0bbf keys(z)\n'
>>> test(code)
['/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmp0dpbxs.output', '/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/Tezhil_32380.out', '']
>>> f = open('/tmp/foo.txt', 'w')
>>> f.write(code.encode('utf-8'))
>>> f.close()
>>> obj = EzhilFileExecuter(file_input=f.name, redirectop=True, TIMEOUT=10)
>>> obj.run()
>>> obj.get_output()
['/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/T/tmpeWfk39.output', '/var/folders/xk/8lhz2_j91_3758cc65stj5z40000gn/Tezhil_32655.out', "[u'name']\n"]

I am using Python 2.7.10, ezhil is installed by python setup.py develop, [email protected]:kracekumar/Ezhil-Lang.git@5738b1178355bcb886e4af4331932f3020fce625#egg=ezhil-master

Looks like something silly I am doing. Any help ?

kracekumar avatar Dec 13 '15 16:12 kracekumar

@kracekumar - This is totally a guess at this point; I suspect the issue maybe due to redirecting stdout within EzhilFileExecuter which Django may depend upon. This gets hairy and complicated really quickly.

We need to find a way to perform the ezhil evaluate operation within the Django call stack, and not worry about the infinite-loop cases, which Django timeouts can resolve.

Basically the alternative at this point is to write code like,

import ezhil

output = ezhil.eval( " ... code ... ")

return output

Ofcourse this function ezhil.eval() does not exist in the same form today, whereas we have ezhil.start(). So some amount of refactoring will help.

arcturusannamalai avatar Dec 16 '15 04:12 arcturusannamalai