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Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA

Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA

Data Structures

  • [x] Arrays
  • [x] LinkedLists
  • [x] HashTables
  • [x] Stacks
  • [x] Queues
  • [x] Heaps
  • [x] Trees
  • [x] Graphs
  • [x] Trie


  1. Sorting

      • [x] BubbleSort
      • [x] CountingSort
      • [x] InsertionSort
      • [x] MergeSort
      • [x] QuickSort
      • [x] RadixSort
      • [x] SelectionSort
      • [x] ShellSort
  2. Searching

      • [x] BinarySearch
      • [x] LinearSearch
  3. Recursion

      • [x] Factorial