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Help/advice with testing JTE library using openshift-client plugin
I'm trying to test a JTE library that is using the openshift-client plugin. (I have the dependency in my build.gradle already.) My (cut down, minimal) template looks like this :
package aa;
void call(app_env) {
stage("A and A") {
def build_name_selector = openshift.selector( "bc", "foo" )
if (build_name_selector.count() > 0)
echo "foo exists!"
echo "foo deleted"
And one of my tests like this :
package aa;
class aaTest extends JTEPipelineSpecification {
def aa = null
def setup() {
aa = loadPipelineScriptForTest("aa/aa.groovy")
def "testit" () {
def app_env = [:]
def mockSelector = Mock(com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.OpenShiftDSL)
getPipelineMock("openshift.selector")( _ ) >> mockSelector
getPipelineMock("count")() >> 1
2 * getPipelineMock("echo")(_)
1 * getPipelineMock("delete")()
I have another test that sets count to 0 and expects 0 echoes and deletes. They both work as expected. It has taken a lot of trial and error to get to that. But it feels wrong that I have mocked the entire count() function's result to 1. There must be a "better" way! The script under test could create a different selector later and expect a different result and I have no way of setting it. NB It is not using the builtin groovy count() & delete() functions, but versions from the openshift-client library.
IF my test is totally wrong, then please throw out whichever bits are wrong and suggest improvements!
I think it is ok to stub the OpenShiftDSL because it is external dependency and usually we don't like to test other class. As I experienced the Mock is a little buggy, you can use only one instance in one test. I don't know the JTEPipelineSpecification so I created an example with original JenkinsSpock. I used GroovyMock now, but I usually use GroovySpy too.
package aa
import com.homeaway.devtools.jenkins.testing.JenkinsPipelineSpecification
import com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.OpenShiftDSL
class aaTest extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
def aa = null
def setup() {
aa = loadPipelineScriptForTest("vars/a.groovy")
def "testit"() {
def app_env = [:]
OpenShiftDSL mockSelector = GroovyMock(OpenShiftDSL) {
// Assertion comes here
1 * count() >> selectorCountResult
expectedDeleteCalls * delete()
getPipelineMock("openshift.selector")(_) >> mockSelector
expectedEchoCalls * getPipelineMock("echo")(_)
selectorCountResult || expectedDeleteCalls | expectedEchoCalls
1 || 1 | 2
0 || 0 | 0