protocolize copied to clipboard
Performance issues
Place blocks or right click items caused proxy lag and using huge of CPU and no error
To reproduce just need about 15 ~ 30 cps to right click / place block
Proxy: Velocity/Flamecord (both lastest) , only install protocolize(1060) and protocolize-legacy(949)
Server: Paper 1.8.8 Client: 1.8.9
Same issue we meet. Players quickly take out or put in items from / to chest can cause a lag, client will see a high ping at that time.
After uninstall protocolize, the bug disappeared. Then I found this issue post, the same cpu usage found out too.
Using BungeeCord latest build with protocolize 2.3.3:1069.
Hello, sorry, with some version this stopped happening or to this day you still have this problem. The same thing really happens to me.
Hello, I have identified the cause of this problem, the problem is caused by the use of stream in this code line the solution is to make a rollback as it was in the following commit
Should be fixed in the latest protocolize build