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Samples-master>Logging log missing?
I tried using the sample logging functionality in the Samples-master but unfortunately no log is created however the solution was built successfully. I did read through the readme and documentation / code and also tried to play with the code but did not have any luck.
Can you kindly give me a hand please?
Regards, Ken
With the Logging sample, the check-in version of the .xll.config file enables logging to a file called TextWriterOutput.log. When running the add-in, this file is created next to the .xll file in bin\Debug.
Is this not what you see?
Yes I did read the code and the config.
However, after I compiled the code into xll (VS2010), and load the xll into Excel 2010, I did not see the log file being created. I thought the AutoOpen function does not work so I copy and log code into one of the functions then re-compiled everything then load the xll and run the function directly in Excel but still the log file did not appear. Then I thought I need to create the file manually first but still did not work.
Any clue?
You can check that the .xll.config file has the right name and is next to the .xll file. If anything was renamed, it might go wrong. I notice that if you have 64-bit Excel, you have to change the .config name to Logging-AddIn64.xll.config (or make another file). The .xll picks up the .config file by matching the name. I just ran the project (F5) as I have it (unchanged from the GitHub version) and the file got created.
I'm having a similar problem. When I build and run as is, I don't see any log file.
Actually, at first I could not load the add-in at all because of some kind of XML serialization error. So I updated the dependencies and changed the target .NET framework to 4.6.2. That got rid of the error, but I still saw no log file. Next I tried to debug it, but the breakpoints will not hit because symbols are not loaded. I know that sounds like a stupid VS problem, but I have been debugging my own Excel-DNA add-in without problems for months now, and I cannot figure out why I'm having this problem here.
OK, so i just rolled back to the Github version, and now for some reason the XML serialization error does NOT appear (of course I expected it to come back). I still don't see a log file generated, and I still can't hit a breakpoint in VS.
I'm on VS 2015 and Excel 2010.
Any help appreciated. Also, maybe it would be good to update the project's dependencies to latest Excel-DNA, etc.
When I rolled back I of course undid the changes to the Logging-AddIn.xll.config file. I went back in and uncommented the Nlog section.
Ok, now when I load Logging-AddIn.xll I get
There was an error during processing of C:\GitHub\Samples\Logging\bin\Debug\Logging-AddIn.dna: There is an error in XML document (0, 0). The type initializer for 'System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader' threw an exception.
I don't get the error when I load Logging-AddIn-packed.xll.
Still not seeing a log file appear in \bin\debug. And still can't debug.