Ewout ter Hoeven

Results 172 issues of Ewout ter Hoeven

Thanks for all this amazing work! Would you consider using [Squash and merge](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/incorporating-changes-from-a-pull-request/about-pull-request-merges#squash-and-merge-your-commits) method for merging PRs instead of the "Create a merge commit" method? That will result in a...

To simulate team and agent interactions, it would be great if you could manually define multiple agents with each a different name/goal. Then, when you have defined all agents, start...


To simulate team and agent interactions, it would be great if you could define multiple agents with each a different name/goal, and then start the simulation with a prompt to...

Abu Dhabi's Technology Innovation Institute (TII) just released new 7B and 40B LLMs. The Falcon-40B model is now at the top of the [Open LLM Leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard), beating *llama-30b-supercot* and *llama-65b*...

good first issue

flynt 1.0.1 currently doesn't handle backslashes (`\`) in the string conversion correctly, which is causing SyntaxErrors in the created f-strings. ``` Fix a SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a...

[PEP 701](https://peps.python.org/pep-0701/) lifts some restrictions on the usage of [f-strings](https://docs.python.org/3.12/glossary.html#term-f-string). Expression components inside f-strings can now be any valid Python expression, including strings reusing the same quote as the containing...

### The feature request Currently, GitHub Desktop does not support directly checking out branches from forks of other users. This limitation requires users to resort to command line operations for...


When implementing #1898, I was inherently playing with spaces. A lot of times closeness (as a spatial relationship) is important, and a lot of time, there is a hard cut-off...

Add a function that automatically configures the batchrunner to perform local sensitivity analysis. The only required input is a model. Extensive docstring is included, see that for details. Feedback, both...


The Mesa Space module allows a few specific agent movements and interactions within a grid environment. However, the current methods lack a consistent way to apply different movement strategies. This...