Ewout ter Hoeven

Results 174 issues of Ewout ter Hoeven

[libvpx v1.8.0](https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libvpx/+/v1.8.0) was tagged yesterday ([GitHub](https://github.com/webmproject/libvpx/releases/tag/v1.8.0)), it would be nice if libvpx-go could be updated to this version.


When testing #6, I encountered the following error: ``` CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:47 (file): file INSTALL cannot copy file "/home/travis/build/EwoutH/lumahdrv/build/libluma_encoder.so" to "/usr/local/lib/libluma_encoder.so". Makefile:95: recipe for target 'install' failed make: ***...

Add a Dependabot configuration that checks once a week if the GitHub Actions are still using the latest version. If not, it opens a PR to update them. It will...

Run the CI once a week to check everything keeps working as environments get updated, new Python version and packages get released, etc. Once a build fails, we only have...

I would suggest dropping Python 2 support in the next release of the Python-Extension. Python 2.7 is now [end-of-life](https://endoflife.date/python) for almost 3 years, and practically all scientific packages has dropped...

In the [GIS General Examples](https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/GISGeneralExamples) model the `download-background-image` fails when calling `gis:import-wms-drawing` with the following error message: ``` Extension exception: Unable to fetch wms image: http result code 500 (Internal...

Adds a `minimum-distance-of` function to the NetLogo GIS Extension. This combines #17, #18 and #19, originally written by @josephzhao.

I'm using the [`gis:create-turtles-inside-polygon`](https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/gis.html#gis:create-turtles-inside-polygon) function with the GIS Extension of NetLogo 6.3.0. I follow the example listed in the docs, with a few lines of code added to place each...

I would like to conditionally select a subset of a network based on link values to perform some functions, mainly [`distance-to`](https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/nw.html#nw:distance-to), [`path-to`](https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/nw.html#nw:path-to) and [`turtles-in-radius`](https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/nw.html#nw:turtles-in-radius). So for example, I have a...

Currently all licenses allow commercial use. While in many cases that’s fine, there is a use case in non-commercial licenses, and it would be nice to have a few options...