PSWinDocumentation.AD copied to clipboard
Bug reported via email
I just started using your module, its very nice!
However, I found that there seems to be a bug in reporting password quality.
The function Get-WinADAccounts is trying to compare the user list to a SamAccountName, however DSInternals does not return the username in that format. It appears to return like Domain\User. To resolve this, I modified the function as below:
function Get-WinADAccounts {
param([Array] $UserNameList,
[Array[]] $ADCatalog)
$Accounts = foreach ($User in $UserNameList) { foreach ($Catalog in $ADCatalog) { foreach ($_ in $Catalog) { if ($_.SamAccountName -eq $($User -replace "(\w+)(?:[\\\/])")) { $_ } } } }
return $Accounts
I also found that Get-WinADDomainPasswordQuality had some brackets out of place, resulting in $Data.DomainPasswordEmptyPassword
being empty.
Looks like $Data.DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups
might suffer from the same bug.
$Data.DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $DuplicateGroups = $Data.PasswordQuality.DuplicatePasswordGroups.ToArray()
$Count = 0
$Value = foreach ($DuplicateGroup in $DuplicateGroups) {
$Name = "Duplicate $Count"
foreach ($User in $DuplicateGroup) {
$FoundUser = [pscustomobject] @{'Duplicate Group' = $Name }
$FullUserInformation = foreach ($_ in $DomainUsersAll) { if ($_.SamAccountName -eq $($User -replace "(\w+)(?:[\\\/])")) { $_ } }
$FullComputerInformation = foreach ($_ in $DomainComputersAll) { if ($_.SamAccountName -eq $($User -replace "(\w+)(?:[\\\/])")) { $_ } }
if ($FullUserInformation) { $MergedObject = Merge-Objects -Object1 $FoundUser -Object2 $FullUserInformation }
if ($FullComputerInformation) { $MergedObject = Merge-Objects -Object1 $MergedObject -Object2 $FullComputerInformation }
return $Value | Select-Object -Property $Properties }
There is also a bug with Get-WinADDomainOrganizationalUnitsAC
L related to Get-ACL
. Apparently if an OU has a "" as an escape character in it, it will give a syntax error. My solution for that is below:
function Get-WinADDomainOrganizationalUnitsACL {
param([Array] $DomainOrganizationalUnitsClean,
[string] $Domain = $Env:USERDNSDOMAIN,
[string] $NetBiosName,
[string] $RootDomainNamingContext)
$OUs = @(foreach ($OU in $DomainOrganizationalUnitsClean) { @{Name = 'Organizational Unit'; Value = $OU.DistinguishedName } })
#$null = New-PSDrive -Name $NetBiosName -Root '' -PsProvider ActiveDirectory -Server $Domain
@(foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
#$ACL = Get-Acl -Path "$NetBiosName`:\$($OU.Value)"
$ACL = Get-Acl -Path "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$($OU.Value)"
[PsCustomObject] @{'Distinguished Name' = $OU.Value
'Type' = $OU.Name
'Owner' = $ACL.Owner
'Group' = $ACL.Group
'Are AccessRules Protected' = $ACL.AreAccessRulesProtected
'Are AuditRules Protected' = $ACL.AreAuditRulesProtected
'Are AccessRules Canonical' = $ACL.AreAccessRulesCanonical
'Are AuditRules Canonical' = $ACL.AreAuditRulesCanonical