ADEssentials copied to clipboard
CircularIndirect for non-circular groups
If you create 4 groups with membership like this:
"A","B","C","D" | foreach {New-ADGroup $_ -GroupScope Universal}
Add-ADGroupMember A -Members "B"
Add-ADGroupMember B -Members "C","D"
Add-ADGroupMember C -Members "D"
The following command:
Get-WinADGroupMemberOf D -ClearCache | select ObjectName, ParentGroup, Name, CircularIndirect
reports the following:
ObjectName ParentGroup Name CircularIndirect
---------- ----------- ---- ----------------
D D C False
D C B False
D B A False
D D B True
D B A False
In some circumstances, this is a poor AD group design, but it is not "circular", right? Or am I misunderstanding the intent of this field?