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A port of everblush.vim but written in lua

Neovim Lua Colorscheme

Everblush Lua Port for Neovim

everblush.nvim is a port of everblush.vim but written in lua

** IMPORTANT NOTE **: You need the latest version of neovim to use this, because this is totally written in lua!



External Plugin Support

  • Telescope
  • Nvim Tree
  • Tresitter
  • Lsp
  • Lsp saga
  • Coc
  • Bufferline
  • Illuminate
  • Diff
  • Git signs
  • Git gutter
  • Lualine
  • Ident-BlankLine


You can install this plugin with packer:

use { 'Everblush/everblush.nvim', as = 'everblush' }

Or with vim-plug:

Plug 'Everblush/everblush.nvim', { 'as': 'everblush' }

Active theme

To active the theme call this in your neovim config:

local everblush = require('everblush')

everblush.setup({ nvim_tree = { contrast = true } }) -- or use contrast = false to not apply contrast

Or with vim script:

colorscheme everblush

It will set automatically the vim.opt.termguicolors to true

Activating lualine theme

Place this in your lualine config:

local lualine = require('lualine')

lualine.setup {
  options = {
    theme = 'everblush',

Using the core to get the colors

If you want to get the colors into a lua dictionary

local everblush = require('everblush.core')
local colors = everblush.get_colors()

Overriding colors

If you want to override and customize the colors for various parts of the theme check out the config and override like so:

local colors = require('everblush.core').get_colors()

  override = {
    CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.foreground },
    LineNr = { fg = colors.comment },

Any other colors can be overriden in a similar way.

Credits 💝