@tristanlabelle, thanks for your reply. Regarding this issue, you could submit relevant PR and then link this issue to try to help solve this problem. Our development team will review...
@hwhsu1231 @gcampbell-msft, thanks for providing the demo project. Today we verified this issue with below environment and repro steps. If we miss or misunderstand anything, please let us know. Thanks....
@hwhsu1231 @gcampbell-msft, thanks for your reply. Today we installed Node.js using the method you mentioned in abopve comment, but we still didn't repro this issue with below steps: ENV: System...
@hwhsu1231 @gcampbell-msft, thanks for your reply. Sorry we tried to reproduce this issue many times but still don't reproduce it. Could you please install VS code on another clean machine...
@gcampbell-msft, we still don't repro this issue on our environment. what other useful information can customer provide for investigation (when the issue occurs)?" Thanks in advance.
@hwhsu1231, thanks for your reply. the snap version of CMake we have always installed. And we run the above command to create a symbolic link, but we still don't repro...
@fpanjevic, thanks for your reply. Are your steps to reproduce the problem the same as hwhsu1231's? If not, please provide your detailed steps to reproduce the problem for further investigation....
@notpeter @georglauterbach, thanks for your reply. About this issue, it is fixed on CMakeTools extension release version 1.18 but this version has not been released yet. If you are in...
@harrymander, thanks for providing the demo project. Today we try to repro this this issue with below steps: Could you please help check the below picture if it describes your...
@harrymander, Sorry, please ignore this sentence. Now that we have reproduced your issue, we will continue to investigate the issue. We will get back to you if there are any...