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π Personal JavaScript learning notes using the complete JavaScript course 2022: From zero to expert by Jonas Schmedtman
Documenting my learning journey in JavaScript using The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert! by Jonas Schmedtman
Fundamentals Part OneπΈ
1. Introduction
2. How to link JavaScript file
3. Values and Variables
- Definition of Values
- Definition of Variables
- Variable Naming Convention
- Rules and Reserved Keywords
- Code File
4. Data Types
5. Let, Const, Var
6. Operators
7. Operator Precedence
8. Coding Challenge One π
9. String & Template Literals
10. Taking Decisions (If/Else)
- Conditional Statements
- If Statement
- Else Statement
- Else If Statement
- Code File
11. Coding Challenge Two π
12. Type Conversion & Coercion
13. Truthy & Falsy Values
- Definition of Truthy & Falsy Values
- Code File
14. Equality Operator
- Strict Equality Operator ===
- Loose Equality Operator ==
- Differential Equality Operator !==
- Code File
15. Boolean Logic
- Defintion of Boolean Logic
- AND Operator
- OR Operator
- NOT Operator
- How do Logical Operators Work?
- Code File
16. Logical Operators
17. Coding Challenge Three π
18. Switch Statement
19. Statements & Expressions
20. Conditional (Ternary) Operator
21. Coding Challenge Four π
- Coding Challenge
- Solution
22. JavaScript Releases (ES5, ES6+ and ESNext)
- A Brief History of JavaScript
- ES6/ES2015 (ECMAScript 2015)
- Backwards Compatibility
- Forwards Compatibility
- Babel (Transpiler)
- Compaibility Table
Fundamentals Part 2πΈ
Welcome to JavaScript Fundamentals part two.
01. Strict Mode
02. Functions
03. Function Declaration vs Expressions
04. Arrow Function
05. Function Calling other Functions
06. Reviewing Functions
07. Coding Challenge Five π
08. Introduction to Arrays
09. Array Methods
- Basic Array Operations (Methods)
- push() Method
- unshift() Method
- pop() Method
- shift() Method
- indexOf() Method
- includes() Method
- Code File
10. Coding Challenge Six π
11. Introduction to Objects
12. Dots and Brackets Notations
- How to retrieve elements from an object
- Dot Notation
- Bracket Notation
- Dot Notation use case
- Bracket Notation use case
- Adding new properties to an object
- Code File
13. Object Methods
14. Coding Challenge Seven π
15. Iteraton the For Loop
16. Looping Arrays, Breaking & Continuing
- Looping Arrays, Breaking and Continuing
- Looping Arrays Summary
- Continue and Break Statements
- Example - Break
- Code File
17. Looping Backwards and Loops in Loops
18. While Loop
14. Coding Challenge Eight π
Developer SkillsπΈ
- Coding Challenge
- How to effectively solve problems
- What is a Software Bug
- Debugging with console and Breakpoints
- Code File
Guess My Number GameπΈ
- What is DOM and DOM Manipulation
- DOM !== JavaScript
- Selecting and Manipulating Elements
- Handling Click Events (Event Listener)
- Implementing the Game Logic
- Coding Challenge
- Refactoring
- How to create a modal with JavScript
- Modal Functionality
- Manipulating classes with JavScript
- Close Modal
- Refactoring
- Handle Events on keypress
- Code File
Building a Pig Game π·
- Build a pig game using JavaScript
- What are flowcharts?
- Selecting the Elements
- Generate a random dice roll
- Refactoring
- Display the dice
- Switcing the players
- Code File
How JavaScript works behind the scenes
- An Hight level overview of JavaScript
- The JavaScript Engine
- Compilation vs Intepretation
- Intepreted or Just in Time Compilation (JIT)
- The JavaScript Runtime
- The this keyword
- Regular functions vs Arrow Functions
- Primitive vs Objects
Data Structure, Modern Operators and Strings
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
- Spread Operators
- Rest Patterns and Parameters
- Short Circuting (OR ||)
- Nullish Coalescing Operator
- Coding Challenge
- Looping Arrays (For of Loop)
- Enhanced Object Literals
- Optional Chaining
- Looping Objects, Keys, Values and Entries
- Coding Challenge 2
- Sets
- Maps Fundamentals
- Maps Iteration
- Summary: Which Data Structure to Use
- Coding Challenge 3
- Working with Strings - Part 1
- Working with Strings - Part 2
- Working with Strings - Part 3
A Closer Look at Functions
- Default Parameters
- How Passing Arguments Work (Value vs Reference)
- First Class and Higher Order Functions
- Function Accepting Callback Functions
- Functions Returning Functions
- The Call and Apply Method
- The Bind Method
- Coding Challenge 1 π
- Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Closures
- Closures Example
- Coding Challenge 2 π