FloatLabelRow copied to clipboard
Text overlapping with row value in Swift 4.2/ iOS 12.1
Text overlapping with row value in Swift 4.2/ iOS 12.1
Eureka: 4.3.1 Xcode: 10.1 iOS: 12.1
lazy var emailRow: EmailFloatLabelRow = {
let row = EmailFloatLabelRow("Email")
.cellSetup { cell, row in
row.title = row.tag
.cellUpdate { cell, _ in
cell.textLabel?.textColor = .grayDarkest
return row

Any idea why this is happening?
Changing the height of the cell in _FloatLabelCell
class to 65 fixed the padding issues. Unfortunately this (obviously) leads to a bigger row
I had the library files copied into my project so I just changed the constraints assignment and fixed it.
Could you tell me what changes you made @sauravexodus