VLC-Scheduler copied to clipboard
Contribution that I don't know how to upload to GitHub.
I've made some modifications to the code that I'd like to share but im pretty new to GitHub so I don't know how to upload them. The modifications I've done are:
1 - Sources can now have days of the week to be played
- path: C:/Videos
playing_days: MON-TUE-WED-THU-FRI-SAT-SUN (if not defined, it will play every day)
2- Sources can now be set so that adjust the starting video to the time of the day. For this playing_time has do be set too. For example, if a source is played from 10:00 to 12:00, and we start the VLC_Scheduler at 1:00, then it will start for the "middle" of the folder.
- path: C:/Videos
adapt_to_hours: true (false by default, always start from the beginning)
If more than one source are playing at the same time, one of them set to adapt_to_hours: true is enough for all the playlist to adapt.
3- Each file can now have a different playing time.
name_of_file t_100.jpeg
This will play the image for 100 seconds.
4- Each file can have a "sleeping" time after being played.
name_of_file s_100.jpeg
This will sleep the playlist for 100 seconds after playing the file. If a source is defined as sleeping: true, then that file will play during those 100 seconds, if not VLC will minimise.
- path: C:/Videos
5- VLC minimises automatically when nothing is being played, and maximises automatically on the next rebuild.
6- If a source is defined as manual:true, then those videos are never automatically played, but instead a person can press buttons 1 to 9 to run them and then go back to the playlist. So far only 9 files are accepted in the folder.
- path: C:/Videos
Im happy to share with anyone who'd like to give it a try. I've been testing it for the last week now and its been working fine, but happy for other to test as I'm not an expert on python.
Hey @alexgrauer I see this repositore isn't maintained anymore, could you post your changes into your fork? I would like to test your code, and contribute with more changes as well
Hey @alexgrauer I see this repositore isn't maintained anymore, could you post your changes into your fork? I would like to test your code, and contribute with more changes as well
Were you able to modify the module? If you researched in the code, could you tell me how to set up the module? For some reason it starts with same track looping enabled. If you just start the playlist, then the tracks are played in turn, but through the VLC Scheduler the same track is always repeated my code in .yaml sources:
- path: D:\Scheduler\playlist
playing_time: 10:00-22:00
play_every_minutes: 15
media_extensions: ['.mp3']
There is an .xspf file in the playlist folder
Hey there Alex, I'd be interested in giving this revision a try. Where can I find it?