docker-image-rundeck icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-image-rundeck copied to clipboard


Since we moved on to kubernetes and managed to integrate the official rundeck docker image in our public rundeck helm chart, i'am not going to furher maintain this docker-image regularly for updates. I only use this image for development purposes only, so rather rare updates!

If you want to do so, please contact me in the chart repo that you want to take over or want to run a fork which i should mention here (if your fork is sustainable).


Docker: Docker image eugenmayer/rundeck for running rundeck

Rancher: Also see the corresponding rancher-catalog if you run rancher


docker-compose up

(replace localhost with your docker-machine ip if you use dockertoolbox or similar) You can now access the instance by going on https://localhost If you set an EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL with an http scheme in the .env file, you need to use http://localhost

Username is admin - password is rundeck

Configuration / Adjustments

Just edit .env and adjust it to what you need

Advanced: You can mount custom scripts into the container at /docker-entrypoint.d/ to let them run every single container start. So -v

Image details

  1. Rundeck with a (replaceable) postgresql database as sideload
  2. No SSH. Use docker exec
  3. You must supply the EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL parameter
  4. As always, update passwords for pre-installed accounts
  5. I sometimes get connection reset by peer errors when building the Docker image from the Rundeck download URL. Trying again usually works.


In order of importance

/etc/rundeck - rundeck configuration
/var/rundeck - rundecks project folder
/var/lib/rundeck/logs - the logs and states of your jobs - pretty important!!!
/var/lib/rundeck/var/storage - file based storage folder
/opt/rundeck-plugins - For adding external plugins
/var/log/rundeck - general daemon logs

Advanced configuration

Mysql as your backend

If you want to run against a mysql, change DB_TYPE=mysql and include a mysql service like MariaDB or Percona

Rundeck plugins

To add (external) plugins, add the jars to the /opt/rundeck-plugins volume and they will be copied over to Rundeck's libext directory at container startup

Docker secrets

Reference: The entrypoint run script will check for docker secrets set for RUNDECK_PASSWORD, DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, KEYSTORE_PASS, and TRUSTSTORE_PASS. If the secret has not been set, it will then check for the environment variable and finally default to generating a random value.

Environment variables

Please see the .env file

Using an SSL Terminated Proxy

See the docker-compose.yml rundeckhttpd - that is how you usually would do a SSL termination proxy, nothing in addition is needed. If you would not enable ACME in traefik, SSL would work. Also See:



Upgrading image

  • adjust version to the new version rundeck released
  • run make build


A helper to fix the missing OPTIONS calls in rundeck and allowing CORS

Build yourself

make build

# or

docker build . -t yourown