> @EuclidGH I would like to ask if you have found the way to control the data rate. I think @xieyaxiongfly has not added this functionality, I can see still...
@muhmaz3 Great! If you could somehow share your way to control it, I would like to take a look in. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your reply.
Hello, I have the same problem as bboyzhou. I also get playload len 1924 which actually destroys the log.dat (csi is empty). I use a PC and Laptop, both run...
Thanks for your answer. So, you do not get payload len 1924 any more or you get it still, but you filter it? could you send me you matlab code?...
Hello again, Sorry for disturbing, but I wanted to ask you about the shit payload len 1924, which destroys the csi data. You told me that you added a conditional...
Hi, could you tell how did you get to run the my_log.dat in matlab? I try to run in matlab the command read_log_file('my_log.dat') and it prints the following thing: Wrong...
So, our scenario looks so: We have PC and Laptop (bothe run the same Linux Kernel on Ubuntu 14 LTS and to bore are connected the same model of Atheros...
what do your patches exactly?
ok. sorry, I can not help you. I use just two devices (pc, and laptop) for my experiments. Please check the last post here maybe you will help me...