
Results 136 comments of Etokapa

Tested on Watched a CPU vs CPU 10-Man Royal Rumble match. 60FPS with shaders cached. :warning: Most match types cause Xenia to crash, as mentioned above the spam. ![wwe...

Tested on Guest Crash immediately after boot. No change. [](

Tested on Played a Quick Battle and won. 50-80FPS with vsync of and shaders cached. ![vig (9)]( More Screenshots ![vig (1)]( ![vig (2)]( ![vig (3)]( ![vig (4)]( ![vig (5)](

Tested on Guest Crash immediately after boot. No change. [](

Tested on Started a new game and joined a party. Xenia closed while on my way to Kirkwall. 40-120FPS with vsync off and shaders cached. :loud_sound:Moderate audio issues with...

Tested on Started a new game. Punched a wisp in the face, banded together with a mouse man, roasted a wolf, and met up with a sloth demon. 120+FPS...

Completed entire trial. 40-45FPS on 2x resolution with vsync off and shaders cached. No missing or corrupt graphics unless you include the Profile pic. • Jenna cheats. ![che (3)]( More...

Tested on Started a new game. The game wants a Portal of Power after the initial cut scene. :warning:You must set `scribble_heap=true`! ![sky (2)]( More Screenshots ![sky (1)]( ![sky...

Tested on Completed entire trial. 31FPS with vsync off and shaders cached. No graphical issues. :loud_sound:Some sound effects loop infinitely. ![sno (5)]( More Screenshots ![sno (1)]( ![sno (2)]( ![sno...

Tested on Completed entire trial. Vsync disabled. No missing graphics. :warning:Graphics do not render properly unless you set `render_target_path_d3d12="rov"`. This will moderately impact performance though. 📉XBLA intro screen no...