Ethan Brown
Ethan Brown
No problem, I look forward to seeing it!
Alright, I will take a look at this this afternoon...we'll get it figured out! /e On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Many [email protected] wrote: > I must be...
Hi, @usmany, There were two problems with your code. The first was due to some changes to `express-handlebars` after I published the book. They added the feature whereby you could...
It's been a while since I looked at this code, and I'm busy on another book right now; I will try to get to this, but it might not be...
Hi, CervEdin, you're absolutely right, they should be unique, and that is probably the case. Did you find this in the repo or the book? If it's in the repo,...
What files don't start with a closure? This is only something that I would do with front-end dependencies (I prefer not to contaminate my Node JavaScript with those artifacts, though...
Also, I can't tell...are you having issues with being able to run the project because `credentials.js` doesn't exist? As explained in the book, the whole point of `credentials.js` is that...
Sorry I haven't been able to respond routinely to this is busy, and my partner and I have a baby on the way...due on Saturday! @vkelman , it is...
If you fix this and create a PR, I will merge it in!
Thanks for the feedback, Ray, those are all good points. I know you've got some additional PRs, which I will get to soon! I am going to leave this open...