Blobmorphism icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Blobmorphism copied to clipboard

Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.


Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.

It has 2 main components that make it up.



Set shadow name

When your app is initialized (such as in your ~App.swift file), set your shadow name. This name will be whatever is in your assets catalog. If you do not have a shadow color in your assets then no elements will have shadows.

Blobmorphism.shadowName = "ShadowName" // Default is Shadow


The two main blobs are RoundedBlob and CircleBlob. IMPORTANT You need to add shadows manually to these views. This is because if you want them in a ScrollView, you want the shadows to escape the ScrollView clipping.

.shadow(color: Color("Shadow"), radius: 30, y: 20)


RoundedBlob() // or RoundedBlob(cornerRadius: 30)


This one is even more simple. No corner radius to worry about.



There are two different types of buttons: ButtonBlob and SearchBlob. (Search is my favorite) These elements do not need manual shadow changes and already come with them.

Standard Button

ButtonBlob(systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up") {
  // What happens when the button is tapped.
} // Choose whatever system image you'd like to use.

Search Button

The search button switches between a standard button and a search bar. It is important that on compact UIs (iPhone, iPad Split View) that you remove the buttons next to it if it is in an HStack.

@State var isSearching: Bool = false
@State var search: String = ""

SearchBlob(isSearching: $isSearching, search: $search)


As long as your project is targeting iOS 14+, macOS 11+, or tvOS 14+, you can add this library to your app via SPM.