Dongsheng Deng

Results 40 comments of Dongsheng Deng

sorry, this problem is caused by the `\chaptername` re-definition, I update the logic, but it still in test stage, you can try the latest version of elegantbook.cls (download from dev...

参考 [chapter bib with biblatex]( 自己试一下吧。


The missing number is known problem in version 3, I have fix it in version 4, later in this year, version 4 will be released. This problem is caused by...

> Seeing the update from 17 september 2020, I presume this has been fixed in 4.0? Recently I used in Overleaf the Elegant book template and ran into this problem....

请提供完整示例文件(包含 bib 文件)。

用新版的模板,你的代码都是以前的。 ```tex \documentclass[lang=cn,12pt,a4paper]{elegantpaper} \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{sorting=none} \title{工业过程优化} \author{} \date{} \usepackage{array} \newcommand{\ccr}[1]{\makecell{{\color{#1}\rule{1cm}{1cm}}}} \usepackage{paralist,cases} \usepackage[ruled,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e} \usepackage[misc]{ifsym} \allowdisplaybreaks[4] \begin{document} \maketitle 广义预测控制(Generalized predictive control, GPC)\cite{1987Generalized,clarke1987generalized},模型预测控制(Model predictive control, MPC)的三种基本算法之一。自算法提出到现在,经历几十年的发展后,其在学术和实际应用中都积累了大量的成果\cite{geng1998control,geng1997application,hogg1991multivariable,zhang2010adaptive,clarke1987generalized,bone1995novel},并且与其他智能控制算法相结合\cite{shi2007neural,zhang2010adaptive}。 \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title=\ebibname] \end{document} ```

对应的文献文件是 `reference.bib`,新版不是 wpref 了,你把你的 `bib.txt` 改名为 `reference.bib` 即可。